First "I love you's"

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Freddy Krueger~ You and Freddy walked through the streets together, hand in hand. There were many screams and stares as you walked past the terrified bystanders, but you ignored them well. After a little while, Freddy sat you down on a splintery table, taking a seat across from you. With his hand still in yours, he spoke. "YN, do you love me?" He asked. You turned pink before speaking. "Well, do you love me?" You replied. He chuckled before nodding. "I love you very, very much."

Jason Voorhees~ You and Jason sat on the dock together, staring down at the crystal blue water. You had talked about a ton of random things, school, work, and family. After a while, you looked up at Jason. "Jason?" You murmured. He looked over at you, curiosity in his eyes. You smiled widely before saying. "I love you." His eyes went wide behind his mask as he pulled you close, hugging you against his chest tightly. "I love you too." He said back, not letting go of his compassionate grip.

Michael Myers~ "C'mon Michael, say something, anything at all." You pleaded. You were desperate for him to talk. You thought if he started talking around you, your communication would become better and your relationship would grow. You promised you wouldn't make fun of the way he talked, you just wanted to hear his voice. "Please?" You begged, batting your eyelashes. Michael looked away, embarrassed, before whispering in a husky tone, "I love you YN."

Ghostface~ You and Ghostface rode in the beat up truck together, on your way the party. This was your first date with him out of the house, and without his mask on. You noted how charming he was while he told you how pretty you were on that night. You held his hand as he drove through the dirt trails, before he spoke. "Hey YN," he started. "Yeah?" You replied. He drew in a breath before continuing. "I think I love you." You smiled before saying. "I think I love you too."

Leatherface~ You smiled as the slight breeze tossed your hair around, the sun shining down in the warm afternoon. You and Leatherface cuddled together under a shady oak tree, the beautiful day leaving you without words. You sat in his lap as he twirled strands of your hair, tracing circles into your shoulders and spine. It was quiet for a long time, before you turned to him. "I love you." You blurted out as he smiled in surprise. "I love you too, YN."

Hannibal Lecter~ You jumped, feeling Hannibal hugging you from behind. You didn't think he would be visiting you at your home today. You shuddered as he kissed the nape of your neck, making you ask. "My dear, what are you doing?" He smiled, before squeezing you tighter. "I forget to tell you that I love you." You melted in his arms at his comment, it was the first time he ever told you that. "I love you too." You replied, kissing his lips gently.

Norman Bates~ You smiled up at Norman, your legs trapped underneath his. A large blush spread across his cheeks before realizing what this must look like. "Oh, dear, I'm so very sorry." He mumbled. You were helping him make beds in the hotel today, when he had tripped and fallen on top of you. The soft pillows broke your fall as you refused to release him from your arms. "That's okay." You smiled, kissing his nose. He smiled back before saying "YN, I think I'm in love with you."

Patrick Bateman~ "What is it?" You asked curiously. Patrick had called you into his office today, even though you knew he didn't need any help with his work. He stood before embracing you into a hug, resting your head on his sturdy chest. "I just want to hear something from you." He shrugged. You pulled your head up to look at him. "Which is?" You asked. He smiled before tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "Do you love me?" He asked. You blushed before nodding. "Yes, I love you very much Patrick."

Dr. Heiter~ Josef had a rough day today, and seemed like he didn't want to talk about it. You understood and didn't ask, instead you began to try cheering him up. You did everything in your power to make him smile, you kissed him, cuddled him, and acted silly for the entire day. Hearing your giggle worked, he instantly started feeling better and cracked a smile. He pulled you into his lap before saying, "I love you to the ends of this Earth, my sweet YN."

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