When you get scared

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Freddy Krueger~ 'You ran quickly out of fear, tripping and falling over your own two feet. Your breath was heavy and rigid in the night, your body sore and aching. "Must kept going.." You told yourself before getting back up. Sinister giggles followed behind you, mixed with the crashing of lighting and the pounding of your heart. You gasped before feeling a hand pull you backwards', "Freddy!" You screamed, slamming forward. You noticed your pulse accelerating as Freddy's arm went around your waist. "I..I had a nightmare.." You murmured. He kissed your head "Yeah, I know." He replied in your ear. Your breathing slowed down as he placed you on his chest, stroking your hair. "Don't you worry babygirl, I'm here. I'll always be here."

Jason Voorhees~ Your foot buckled over the edge, the crystal blue lake underneath you. The fog was thick and damp as faint chirping could be heard from afar. You only wanted to visit Jason today, when you stumbled upon a few new visitors. Four boys around your age with lust in their eyes had chased you to the dock, ready to take their advantage. "Oh, C'mon. We'll treat you right.." One of them winked. You gritted your teeth and shook your head no. "I'll jump before you can even touch me." Another snickered "Ah, there's no need to do that baby.." He swiped at you violently. But before he could accomplish anything with you, Jason had already sent their decapitated heads in the shining water. You, began to shake, still trying to calm down as Jason picked you up, holding you close in his arms.

Michael Myers~ "Please, don't leave Michael." You begged, a tear beginning to slip from your eye. The truth was that you were scared to stay in your home, it wasn't safe there anymore. Michael caught it before it could go any further down your cheek, his brow furrowing under his mask. "Why? What is wrong?" He questioned. You bowed your head in embarrassment before answering. "I am afraid.." Michael tilted his head to the side before questioning. "Afraid of who?" You gritted your teeth before wiping your eyes. "My mother, she's been a little..violent lately.." You trailed off, pointing to the tiny bruise swelling on your wrist. Michael's eyes went wide before picking you up and taking you with him, no hesitation needed.

Ghostface~ "You have got to be kidding me YN.." Ghostface chuckled before shaking his head. "No, I'm not. Now get your ass up and walk me." You demanded. "Babe, it's just a movie. Do I really have to walk you to the bathroom?" You shot him a death glare before he gave up, standing outside the door and sighing. "At least invite me in.." He snickered, attempting to open the already locked door. You rolled your eyes before drying your hands on the bleached white towel, opening the door for him. "You are the best." You smiled at him before kissing his blushing cheek. "Yeah..well I just have to protect my scared little girl so that no monsters get her." He teased before walking you back to your bedroom, where he would cuddle you for the rest of the night.

Leatherface~ You sat in Leatherface's lap, your face burried in his chest and torso, his hands still cupping your face. "I promise that will never happen again..please stay with me.." He begged. You had gone to his house today, just to pay him visit, when you met his father, his grandfather, and his two brothers. They were absolutely...terrifying. You were almost certain you would die with your hands tied down to that damned table. You were crying, shuddering and hyperventilating when Leatherface finally came home, untying you and picking you up before taking you out to the backyard. You could still hear their evil laughs under the shady tree as his kissed you gently. "I could never leave you, I love you too much." You wept.

Hannibal Lecter~ "Darling, what happened tonight?" Hannibal asked before kissing the top of your shivering hand. You had called him late at night to pick you up at a bus stop downtown, fear laced in your voice. You whimpered before breaking into tears, the memories coming back to you. "I'm so scared Hannibal..I'm so scared.." You whispered to him. He squeezed your hand tighter before accelerating the car. "I don't need to take care of anyone, do I?" He asked. You shook your head no as he rubbed your palm with his thumb. "I swear YN..if anyone touched you or hurt you..if anyone looked at you the wrong way, I need to know." "No, no. I'm just scared." You reassured him. He sighed before pulling the car into his driveway, inviting you into his warm, safe home.

Norman Bates~ Norman wrapped his arms around your shoulders, embracing you into him. You were afraid of the new guest in the motel, he looked very untrustworthy. He was violent and large, someone who could easily throw you across the room with ease. He even had a few fits of rage, throwing pens and papers at Norman once he said the wrong thing. "I'm scared Norman, I really am terrified of that man." You admitted as he held you close. He kissed the top of your head sweetly before saying "Don't be. You are always safe with me, dear. If there's one thing I can do right, that's protect my girl.." He growled, almost to himself as you got comfortable in his lap.

Patrick Bateman~ "YN, baby, what the hell are you doing here?" Patrick asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes. It was around two in the morning when you knocked on his door, beyond petrified. You heard a few screams and gunshots from your neighbor's room down the hall in your apartment, scaring you quiet a bit. You felt as if you weren't safe, making you drive across town to Patrick's condo. "Can I sleep with you tonight? Please? I'm really scared.." You shuddered, making Patrick invite you in almost immediately. "Of course, anything for you." He winked. He was even a gentleman towards you, not touching you the entire night as you slept in his bed, having him sleep on the couch (being his choice, of course).

Dr. Heiter~ You shook Josef quietly, fear penetrating through you. The room was dark and silent as he stirred, blinking once fully awake. "Yes, my dear what is it?" He asked. "I heard something downstairs..can you check for me?" You asked. Josef sighed and ruffled your hair before leaving you in bed, returning a few moments later. "It was nothing, you must have heard the wind outside. Now try to get some sleep, meine süß. (My sweet)" He purred, before cuddling you once again. "Now, Liebling (darling), you weren't scared..were you?" He playfully teased. You smiled and blushed before embracing his warmth, slowly falling back to sleep, with your arms and legs lovingly tangled together.

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