When he does something sweet/is affectionate

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Freddy Krueger~ You raised your eyebrow at the gesture, very surprised. In all honesty, Freddy wasn't the most romantic boyfriend of all time. So you were a little thrown off when he brought a bouquet of roses for you the next time he visited. "What's this for?" You asked him, taking the flowers. He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. "Oh, uh, I don't know.." He trailed off, his sharp teeth slightly smirking. You smiled at him, hugging his shoulders "Thank you." You murmured as he begrudgingly hugged you back "Yeah, yeah, don't mention it."

Jason Voorhees~ You smiled to yourself, blushing slightly. You were very surprised when you came home to see something from Jason. There was sweet note on your bed, telling you how much you meant to him and what he adored about you. He also left a small stuffed bear for you with dark fur that felt like silk, which you held close for the night. Once Jason came over later that evening, he saw you spread across the covers with the toy in your grip. He grinned under his mask before curling up next to you, holding you before you gently stirred.

Michael Myers~ "Michael, what're you doing?" You giggled, feeling his grasp get ridgid. Michael saw you washing the dishes over your sink, and watched you silently for a few moments. You gasped slightly when you felt his arms go around your waist, his face nuzzling into your neck. After asking why he was doing this without getting an answer, you just excepted the affection. He stayed like this for the rest of the time you did the chore, waiting patiently until you were finished. After each dish was hand dried, he picked you up and continued to embrace you on the couch.

Ghostface~ You beamed up at Ghostface, a light blush creeping onto your face. You were having an absolute disgusting day, nothing went your way. Ghostface noticed your mood, observing from afar, and decided to do something about it. Once you returned home, you saw him waiting for you in the living room. "What are you doing here?" You asked, plopping next to him on the couch. His arm snaked around your shoulders and began to rub your neck. "I decided it's about time you relax." He smirked, handing you your favorite snacks as well as a new horror movie you hadn't yet seen. You snuggled into his side before kissing his cheek with smiling lips.

Leatherface~ Leatherface tended to do a lot of cute things for you, he was considerate and thoughtful. He would bring you flowers, play with your hair, he even put a swing up for you! Although, he was a little shy when it came to showing affection. Therefore, it surprised you today when the two of you were cuddling, your kiss getting more passionate than ever. He made the first move by kissing you simply, slightly slipping tongue in there after a few seconds. You gasped before melting under his lips, your fingers intertwining in his hair and gripping his neck.

Hannibal Lecter~ Yes, Hannibal was very romantic, this was plain to see. Although, he wasn't so..touchy-feely. You were slightly confused today while the two of you sat in the armchair, reading silently. You did this often, having Hannibal occasionally hold your hand, but that was all he would do. He surprised you by draping your legs over his lap, throwing his arm around you and letting you snuggle feel into his steady beating chest. You decided not to ask about the gesture, accepting the loving action.

Norman Bates~ "Norman, what are you doing!" You exclaimed, being twirled in his arms. Norman wasn't spontaneous when it came to love, he was subtle, so it was very unusual for him to be doing this. He continued to rock you gently, softly dipping you before spinning you into the air. He grinned before shrugging. "I don't know, I guess I just wanted to dance with you." He replied, a twinkle in his eyes. His smile made your heart pound as he pecked your forehead gently, continuing to Waltz with you without breaking away from your gaze.

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