Introducing Dr. Heiter

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**Sorry if you are from Germany! If so, please just pretend you are from a different country.**

How you meet~ You ran up to the door, panting heavily. You had ran for miles after you were gunned down on the highway, barely able to escape with your life. You were new to the countryside of Germany, in fact, you were new to Germany as a whole. You had never lived in this country before, you were only studying abroad. After knocking a third time, the door was finally opened. You looked up at the serious man, unable to speak at first. "Guten Abend, kann ich Ihr Telefon benutzen?" ("Good evening, may I use your telephone?") You didn't speak the best German, but enough to get your point across.
"Ja." ("Yes.") He replied, moving out of the doorway for you to enter. He showed you to living room, letting you sit on one of the sofas. "Sie haben eine sehr seltsame Akzent, wo bist du?" ("You have a very strange accent, where are you from?") "(Country you are from.)" "Ah, well, would you mind if I spoke English instead?" He asked. "Yes, that would be fine." You smiled. You spoke English better than you did German. He smiled back before arising, leaving you alone in the living room for a while. You stayed in silence before feeling something penetrate the skin on the back of you neck, instantly making your eyelids snap shut.

After you meet (his POV)~ The girl frightened me, really she did. She was dangerous. As soon as I saw her, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time.
No matter, I must get to work. I looked down at the unconscious girl, her hair strewn across the stiff cot. My, was she beautiful..

Second meeting~ You blinked to a sterile room, the screams of others being heard close by. You looked over to see the man once again, one of your hands placed in his. "What is your name?" You finally asked him, the dim room smelling of chemicals. "Dr. Josef Heiter, what is yours, my dear?" He asked. "YN." You replied. You weren't tied down, you could have ran. You could have left this strange room and this strange man, but you didn't. You stayed as he asked you more questions, who were your family, what were your interests, who were your host parents, things of those sorts. You answered each one patiently with description, making him nod or occasionally smile.

When he asks you out~ You weren't too sure what was wrong with you. Why were you still here? After Josef freed you from the room, he allowed you to stay the night. And the night after that. And the night after that. You could leave at anytime you wished, why hadn't you? You had stayed in the guest room for three nights and four days when Josef finally asked you to..permanently stay with him. You sat across from him at the dining table, enjoying your breakfast, when Josef spoke. "YN, it has been a pleasure having you here." He started. "And..if you would like to stay with me for a little while longer..or maybe, for a longer time than that, I wouldn't mind." He said. You put your head to the side. "You would want me to stay?" You asked him. "Oh yes, I would love that. In fact...I would love to have you be my..partner?" He replied in an almost begging tone. A slight blush ran to your cheeks before you nodded. "I think I would like that."

First Date~ You felt at ease as Josef's arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. For your first night out, he showed you to many tourist spots in Berlin, including the Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, and The Berlin Wall. Each of the exhibits were beautiful in their own ways. He kept you entertained for the entire night, often kissing your cheeks and forehead before driving the both of you back home.

When you are him kill/First kiss~ You allowed Josef to hug you tightly while you sobbed in his chest. You were still terrified, seeing the doctor's most latest creation. You didn't mean to wake in on him, but you were curious to see where he was. You cried until his shirt was soaked with your tears, his hands trailing down your back and through your hair. You gripped onto him as he spoke. "I am an artist, I do what is right, and I do what inspires me. Most do not understand, they walk away disgusted. Please stay, I promise I will never do the same to you." He murmured. You thought for minute before nodding, your arms wrapping around his neck. "Danke meiner Schönheit." ("Thank you my beauty.") He replied, tipping your chin upwards. You watched as he bent down to softly kiss your lips, not letting go for a long while.

Getting to know him better~ After staying with Josef for a month, you learned a few things about him. He had killed his first wife due to a failed experiment, but you knew this wouldn't happen to you. He said he cared for you too much to ever risk creating an experiment on you. He enjoyed swimming you learned, in fact he had his own indoor pool. He also enjoyed holding you, it seemed to calm him down.

When he does something sweet/is affectionate~ When you first arrived at Josef's house, you didn't have much with you. Only a backpack that held a couple of your things, like your phone and phone charger, few pairs of jeans and blouses as well as a light coat, a few intimates as well as female sanitary products, and a hairbrush. But other than that, that was all you had. Josef had noticed and wanted to make your stay with him as comfortable as possible. He decided to get you a few things you needed, necessary products first. He also bought you many nice dresses, bodices, slacks, and pumps. He got you a few things that may entertain you for a while, like books and notepads. But what really surprised you was the most expensive gift of all. You had told him for your love of the object and how well you could play it, but you never thought he would give you one. In the living room sat a beautiful, brand new piano. You hugged him tightly, telling him he didn't have to do all this. "Oh, schön, I wanted to do this for you."

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