When you see him kill/ First kiss

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Freddy Krueger~ You felt like you were going to throw up, or maybe pass out. Freddy wasn't kidding when he said he was evil, why did you have to follow him today? You found out just how evil he was and what he was capable of. You weren't very sure if you could get that gruesome image out of your head. "YN, please listen." Freddy begged. Yet you didn't give any thought to him. You curled yourself into a fetal position on your bed, still a little traumatized by the gore. Freddy moved to the other side of the bed, now able to see your face. "I didn't know you were there." He started. "Is that why you were in my dreams? Did you want to kill me?" You asked, tears coming to your eyes. Freddy shook his head, crawling onto the bed with you. He pulled you into his lap, letting you rest your head on his chest. "At first..but YN, I wouldn't dare harm you now." He mustered. You griped onto his striped sweater as he gently pecked your lips, making your eyes go wide with surprise. You eventually eased into it, giving the kiss more passion than before.

Jason Voorhees~ Fear shot through your body, you couldn't move. You knew there was something different about Jason ever since you met him, with the mask and machete. But when you came to visit him in the camp today, you walked into him slicing up a screaming, bloody teenage girl. Your legs were shaky as Jason turned to you, finally noticing your presence. You took one second before running off, feeling your heart beat quickly in your chest. You didn't know what was going to happen if you stayed there any longer. Before you could get any further, you felt someone grab your wrist. You yelped slightly, spinning around to find Jason. You were terrified as his hands locked tightly around both of your wrists. You shuddered as his raspy voice croaked out "I'm so sorry YN." Your heart softened, you knew this man wouldn't hurt you. You released yourself from his grip, slightly pushing his mask to the side. He froze as you placed a light kiss on his lips, fixing his mask again. He lifted you in his arms after the tender peck, hugging you closely.

Michael Myers~ You knew Michael was a killer, he had to be. No sane person would ever sneak into your house and put a knife to your throat. Therefore, you weren't too shaken seeing Michael's mask on the local news, a headline that read Mass Murder tears babysitters into shreds. This only made a shiver go down your spine as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked behind you, finding Michael. "Hi." You greeted, hugging his neck. You heard a muffled sigh before pulling away, seeing that he was staring forward at the screen. "Hey, it's okay." You told him. He shook his head no, heading towards the door. You could tell he was upset about you finding out who he was, but that didn't stop you from chasing after him. "Please Michael, please stay." You begged, clinging to his shirt. He looked back at you, astonished. Nobody ever cared for him like this. He pulled you up by your waist, pinning you against the wall. Fear shot through you for a minute, had you made him upset? You're question was quickly answered as Michael pulled his mask over his lips, kissing you with deep emotion.

Ghostface~ You were honestly a little upset, seeing Ghostface slice someone up with that buck knife. He had attacked you with that same one two days ago, what were his intentions with you? And what made you feel safe around him? For all you know, he could murder you on your second date! You spun him around, tears in your eyes. "So this is why you took a liking to me huh?" You asked him. "YN! What are you doing here?" He screeched. "Is this why you called me up?" You asked him, the victim behind you beginning to bleed to death. "No YN, I'd never do this to you." He exclaimed. "Yes you would! You've pulled that same knife in me!" You screamed, Ghostface shook his head no, lifting his mask up. "What are doi-" but you were cut off by his lips locking on yours. You felt ridgid at first before melting under his touch. His kiss lasted a long while, his hands placed on the small of your back, while yours gently layed on the top of his chest and collar bones. After a few minutes, he pulled away, resting his forehead on yours. His eyes held a twinkle before saying. "Trust me baby, I'd never harm you."

Leatherface~ You cringed to yourself, remembering the sound of the chainsaw and squishing of blood. Leatherface was a nice guy from what you thought, but now you understood what that strange mask was made of. You felt a tear slip, beginning to fall onto your cheek, when somebody caught it. You looked up to see Leatherface, terror striking your heart. You let out a soft whimper as he grazed your cheek, hanging his head in shame. "I'm sorry..I know you saw..what I have done.." He mumbled. You were sobbing now as he scooped you out of the tire swing and into his arms. "I won't hurt you YN..you know that, don't you?" He asked. You looked up at him with puffy eyes, nodding your head yes. He smiled before pulling off the skin patched mask, kissing your cheeks. "Please, forgive me?" He asked. You smiled up at the man "I forgive you." You chirped, putting your hands on his shoulders. You cupped one hand under his chin before lightly kissing his lips, feeling his face heat up. He gripped your waist tighter, not letting go for a few minutes.

Hannibal Lecter~ "YN, I know you're scared, but please listen to me." Hannibal calmly instructed. You had just witnesses a freighting site, seeing him bite out the throat of a young man. He had cleaned the blood off his chin before now, pressing you up against the wall. "I am addicted to you, I can't shake my feelings away. I could never, ever hurt you, I just couldn't allow that." He explained, kissing the base of your throat. You shuddered slightly as he pulled away, pressing his lips lovingly on yours. You breathed in this kiss, feeling a little intoxicated off it. He slightly pushed you against the wall, pressing you closer to him. You deepened the kiss by throwing your arms around his neck, before he pulled away. "I know I'm a sadistic man, but if you stay with me, I promise nothing will ever happen to you, my beautiful." He pleaded as you smiled up at him. "I'll stay with you, I will. Honestly, I don't think I could ever leave." You shrugged, pulling him into another passionate kiss.

Norman Bates~ The rain pattered on your back as you ran, the mud making you slip here and there. You didn't know how to respond, seeing Norman stab a woman who had checked into the hotel earlier today. He was in a woman's dress, the screams shattering your ears. Norman had changed back into his regular slacks and button down before he chased you down the barren desert road, his begging voice behind you. You were pretty far from him, until you slipped in the mud. The dirt coated your twisted ankle as you cried, Norman catching up to you. He heard your sobs and crouched down next to you, pulling you into his lap. "YN, YN p-please listen to m-me." He claimed. Your crying eyes looked up into his loving ones as he held you tighter. "Mother always does t-this to me, and it h-hurts. She's drove s-so many people a-away from me, s-she's made me so l-lonely. She won't h-hurt you, she knows if she hurts y-you that it will h-hurt me. Please YN, d-don't leave me all alone a-again.." He whimpered, tears mixing with the rain drops. You shook your head "Norman, I'll never leave you, I need you." You replied, holding his soft face in your hands. You kissed him intensely with love, his hands moving towards yours before interlacing your fingers together. He smiled in the kiss, enjoying it very much before carrying you back to the motel to tend to your hurt ankle.

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