Moving in together

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Freddy Krueger~ Freddy knew you had nightmares very frequently, so naturally, this made him worry. He wanted to be there for you whenever you were scared at night, he wanted to hold you and comfort you. Therefore, he requested that you move in with him after he found a place to live. You agreed to this, both of you finding a small apartment room downtown. There were two bedrooms..but you felt you would be closer to one another if you shared the same bed, where you cuddled one another every night from that night on.

Jason Voorhees~ "Come on Jason, I've gotta get home.." You giggled, trying to pry his hands off your waist. You had spent the entire day with Jason in his cabin, but now it was getting late. "No, please stay." He begged. You giggled at him before continuing to wiggle away. "No, no, I have to get home now." You replied. He held you closer, not letting you escape his iron tight grip. "What if I made this your home? Here, with me?" He asked. You thought for a moment before a wide grin spread across your face. "Well, if this is my home, then I guess I won't have to leave."

Michael Myers~ "Michael..what is all this?" You asked. Michael had taken you to a simple, pastel colored house in the suburbs. It had a fenced backyard, three bedrooms, and a few pieces of plain furniture. "Well, I just..I wanted you to be closer to me. And I can't leave you in your house anymore, it's not safe there.." He trailed off. You raised your eyebrows at him before asking "This house is ours?" He nodded before you wrapped your arms around his neck. "It's absolutely perfect Michael." You smiled, having him show you where your shared bedroom will be.

Ghostface~ "Wow, this is pretty nice." You admired, seeing how large Billy's house was. It was on the outskirts of the woods, however, it was still close to the city and suburbs. "Thanks." He replied. "Who else lives here with you?" You asked him. He shrugged his shoulders, still leading you by your waist. "Nobody, I live here by myself."
His voice sounded low and sad as he said that. "Oh..must be pretty lonely here.." You replied awkwardly. "Yeah." He chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah..but you know, you could fix that for me." He winked, driving you home so you could grab your things.

Leatherface~ You smiled to yourself, hanging up your last article of clothing in the closet. Leatherface knew you hated your father, and your father hated you. To make things easier, Leatherface moved you into his bedroom at the house, that way you didn't have to see your father often and were able to see Leatherface all the time. You were a little concerned about his psychotic family although, but he reassured you that they would never harm you or scare you ever again. This actually turned to be true, they even said that they liked you and thought you were good to him.

Hannibal Lecter~ "Must you leave, dear?" Hannibal asked, sadness filling his eyes. "I'm afraid so.." You sighed, tossing the bedsheets off of you. You had spent the night with Hannibal as well as most of the morning, but you knew it was about time to get back home. He grabbed your wrists gently, turning you back around in the bed. "Please, please don't leave. Stay here, with me. I'll make this place your home, if you'd just let me. It seems like an eternity without you here by my side." He stated. You grinned and pecked his cheek, laying back down. "I'll stay with you Hannibal, now and forever."

Norman Bates~ You had been staying in a room at the motel for about two months now, still making regular visits to the nursing home close by to visit your grandmother. Norman didn't mind this, but still asked you. "YN, w-would you like to l-live with m-me?" You were a little shocked by the question as he continued. "I l-live on the hill r-right above here, and i-it would be a-amazing if you stayed with me, c-considering you spend your nights h-here anyways." He smiled. You smiled back before hugging him "I'd love that Norman." You giggled.

Patrick Bateman~ "Patrick..what are you doing?" You questioned. After work today, Patrick drove you home. This was normal, however it started to get strange once he started to carry your belongings out to his car. "Well, aren't you going to take your stuff with you?" He asked. "For what?" He looked at you puzzled, as if you were the one being confusing. "You're moving in with me tonight." You giggled before asking "Since when did we make that decision?" He shrugged before replying "Oh, I made it on my way over here. Aren't you excited?" He chuckled.

Dr. Heiter~ "YN, my darling, may I ask you something?" Josef asked you one night. "Of course, what is it?" You replied. He sat next to you on the couch, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Well, we are living in the same house.." He started. "Yeah.." You said, hinting for him to go on. "Well, I think we're close enough to start..sharing a bedroom? I know it's improper and all, but I just love you so much YN and I need to-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek before answering "That is a perfect idea."

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