1.2: Mine

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Strapping her sais securely on her back, Lulu hums slightly before adjusting her ANBU vest. Sighing, she ties her mask on the side of her head before exiting her office to see the hokage.

Knocking gently on the door, she peeks inside. "Oh, pervy dude." She raised her brow at the sixth as she rolled his eyes when he glanced up from his book to look at her. It didn't surprise her that he had took a supposal 'break' from his work to read his very explicit book, author by no one other than Jiraiya. Stepping into the office fully, the purple eyed kunoichi looks at her superior and shook her head with amusement lacing through her face.

"Ah, Lulu." Kakashi spoke, marking his page on the book before he sat it down. Staring at her with intense eyes, he began to add on. "I see you are prepared to take your leave."

Nodding as she approaches the desk, Lulu crosses her arms over her bust and stares at the hokage. "Yes, I came to report that I'm setting off." She spoke with a single nod.

Nodding as he began to circle around in his chair, the sixth nods. "Very well." Pausing briefly he looks up at her. "It is sure that you come back...alive." Through his masked face, he rubbed his lips together with furrowed brows before he continued to spin.

Smiling, she nods once. "Yes, Mr. Pervy-kage." Placing my mask on my face, she left his office and out into the the outskirts of the village.

Concealing herself, she began to make north to the Hidden Mist village. It was reports that the Uchiha had been wondering there. Lulu didn't understand how anyone could've caught him. He must have not been very careful hiding himself. Humming softly, the kunoichi jumped from tree to tree before landing on the ground gracefully on her feet.

She thought about how she would approach the situation. If she had found the Uchiha, she would of course needed to gather information to how he was alive and wondering arund. It made Lulu curious. She would've expected some sort of ruckus to go on in his presence.

Putting her hand up in a quick hand sign, she mutters a word under her breath before feeling a familiar sting in her her right shoulder, signaling her seal had been activated. Watching her feet glow a soft purple, the Hisakawa woman picks up her speed and examines the fast moving trees and branches ahead of her, being sure to dodge and move them out of way as she ran.

It didn't take her long before she reached the village, a few days earlier than the normal walking. Slowing down, she deactivated her jutsu and began to seach for the wanted criminal.

She eyed the villagers as they were in fear, well aware that a deadly man was on the loose. Keeping herself covered, Lulu went off to the outskirts, knowing he wouldn't bring much attention to himself...but, that wasn't the case. He failed to make himself go unnoticed.

She'd checked around the perimeter closely, not wanting to let the male slip from her. It took her until nightfall until she picked up a black lining of a large body male. Getting closer without blowing her cover, Lulu continued to watch him steadily.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw a man walking around the forest. Quietly following him, she examines him. His long, flowing black hair. Tan skin that seemed to be a bit roughed up. Lulu rubbed her lips in a thin line as she made her observation.

That was indeed Madara Uchiha.

Pausing, the Uchiha looks over his shoulder. A cocky smirk covered his lips as he spoke deeply. "How long will you be following me?" Tighten her grip on her blade, Lulu narrows ber eyes at the male and stepped out of the shadows that the trees provided for her.

"I don't know," Speaking honestly, Madara turns to looks at kunoichi with furrowed brows. "I had to make sure it was really you afterall. Don't want to make a mistake and kill an innocent person."

Scoffing at her statement, the male spoke to her with much arogance in his voice. "Kill? Do you really think that's what you'll do?" Madara has never heard anything more ridiculous. A small woman like her, killing a great shinobi like himself. It was nearly enough to make him chuckle.

Lulu gritted her teeth and narrowed her purple eyes at him, nearly snarling. "Is there something amusing?" As she spoke, she got ready to pounce on him.

Noticing her tense movement, Madara smirks. 'A short temper she has....' He thought, looking down on the woman. "You should mind yourself, dear." He splat, his oxyn eyes almost piercing her.

The brunette noticed he made no intention to move, even when she got ready to attack. 'Did he think he was that powerful that he didn't need to protect himself?' The thought pissed Lulu off even more.

Watching her become even more angry at him, he notices the small crinkle in her nose as she glared at him. He moved to the side as she speed at him. 'Tch...she's fast...' Advoiding her blade as it came crashing near his face, the Uchiha pursed his lips at her before quickly doing his hand-signs. "Housenka no Jutsu."

Avoiding the splatters of fire being sent her way, she narrows her eyes. 'What are these mediocre jutsus? Is he toying with me?' Growling, she returns her blades in her carrier and does a set of hand-signs herself. "Gekiryuu Chikara."

The jutsu actually surprised the man, as he advoided it. She was going to be more troublesome than he thought. But, that didn't deflate his smirk in the slightest. It only made him more excited. A challenge for when he first comes alive and not only that, but a woman. Jumping to the tree, Madara crosses his arms and leans against the bark. "Tell me, dear....what's behind your mask?" He wondered, looking down at her. An arch in the Uchiha's brow as he spotted the vibrant glow through the holes of her eyes. Curiosity overflowing the male as his oxyn eyes beams at her.

Lulu stopped briefly amd shook her head. "What's it to you?" She questions as she looks up at him, contemplating on what her next move was.

"Ah," Madara hums. "Curious as to what my supposal killer may look like."

This causes her to chuckle before she began to speak, "Oh, giving up, are we?" Slipping off her mask, she straps it around her waist and glanced up at the male. She found no reason to conceal her identity. He would be disposed of soon enough.

Staring into her brilliant violet eyes, Madara couldn't deny that she was indeed beautiful. Jumping down, he appraches her slowly. "I will not lie...you are a good looking woman."

"Kiss my ass in the after life." Lulu scoffs as she rolls her eyes. Her fingers twitching as she narrows her eyes.

Growling at the back of his throat, he smirks even bigger. "Feisty as well..." The ANBU captain narrows her eyes at him as she began to think this battle had been carried out for a bit too long. Speeding in front of him before he could blink, she did a hand jutsu as her finger tips glowed with a faint purple. " Hātosunatchi no jutsu."

Madara's eyes widened as she grasped into his chest and took a hold of his heart. Pulling it out of his chest, he wheezed out and fell to his knees as he looks up at the woman who only smirked at him. The feeling caused great pain to the Uchiha...but, that wasn't the worse part of it. No, the worse part was that he was still breathing and living as he watches her. It felt as if someone had a tight grip around his neck, leaving him begging for air, but he was still concious during it all.

He didn't know if he enjoyed the pain since he knows for a fact that he's alive, feeling the consequences of battle or hated it since he was the one feeling pain and not her.

"Now, I want some answers, Mr. Uchiha."

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now