1.5: Heartaches

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Waking up the next day, Lulu went down the steps to the kitchen. She had yet to wake the Uchiha since she still pictured him naked. Shaking her head, she began to make breakfast as her phone rang. Answering it, she mutters a 'hello'.

"Lulu, hey." Sabrina had sounded relief that she sounded alright. This was the first time speaking to her in a few weeks. "How are you doing?"

Shrugging, Lulu replies. "Good, I suppose. How's panda?" She question, pouring some orange juice and taking a sip.

"Great, Kankuro is still a baka though. We're helping him find his own place to live in."

Almost choking, Lulu exclaims, "That baka might burn the house down."

"Hopefully not. At least Nina should stop him." She said referring to their teammate and Kankuro's lover.

"Hm? But, she's all the way here in the...leaf..." Lulu pieced these together as she jumps up from her chair causing it to fly back. "He's engaging!"


They both screamed before a deep voice was heard. "Can you please, shut up." Madara grumbled, entering the kitchen. "I was sleeping."

Rolling her eyes, Lulu heard Sabrina's confused voice on the other end. "Who's that?"

The purple eyed woman stares at the man as he examines what she was cooking. Deciding to not tell her bestfriend, she says, "No one special."

"I have you know, I am special!"

"Mentally, baka!" Before Sabrina could recognize the voice, Lulu places her hand over the Uchiha's mouth and glares at him. "I have to go, Bri. Talk to you later." Exchanging goodbyes, they hung up. "Very disrespectful. I was on the phone."

"Tch, and I was sleeping."

Poking his bare chest, she narrows her eyes. Her hand on his face, squeezing it as the Uchiha huffed. "And what was rule two?"


"And, are you showing that?"

" ...No...."

"So, what must you say?"

"...Sorry." smirking as she watches Madara grumble the response,

"Apology accepted." Going back to cooking, the male sat and admired her from behind. The way she swiftly moved around the kitchen made the Uchiha bite his lip.

His heart thumped loudly in his chest as he continues to watch her. He took notice in her features. Her warm, caramel skin. Her bright, shining, purple eyes. Her dark hair flowing. The way her nose crinkled when she got mad and her independence. It made Madara want her.

Glancing at the quiet Uchiha, she furrows her brow at him and set a plate in front of him. "Eh, you're awfully quiet."

She squeaked in surprise when he pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. Nuzzling his nose into her back, he mutters, "Just thinking."

A blush crept into her cheeks as she tried to move. "U-uh, alright....why are you holding me...?"

Blinking, the male didn't even realize he was doing so. A blush tinted his cheeks before he released her. "Oh, erm...sorry." He mutteres, as he began to eat. Lulu watches him for a while before shaking her head. The blush still on her face.

"Right..." She grabbed her share of the food and ate in silence. Once they finished, she allowed Madara to clean, much to his dismay. "We will be running a few errands, so make sure you have your happy face on."

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now