1.4: Roommate

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Awaking bright and early the next day, Lulu stood from the bed and stretched. Rubbing her eyes, she stepped over a lump and blinked, looking down. "Oh, it's just you." She murmurs, referring to Madara sleeping on the floor. 'I'm sure he didn't mind being stepped on.'

Deciding to go to the bathroom before relieving the Uchiha from her jutsu, she cleaned herself and combed her fingers through her dark hair. Her purple eyes narrows only slightly. Looking in the mirror, a sigh came from her lips.

She was still very much curious about the certain Uchiha. Shaking her head, she went back into the room, and kneeled in front of Madara. Preparing her signs, she taps his forehead twice as he fluttered his dark eyes open. Stifling a yawn, he arose with a tired look from his eyes.

Grinning, Lulu stood. "Morning, princess." Putting her vest on and tying her mask around her waist, she stared at him as he stood with a grumble.

Placing his hand on his lower back, he stretched himself. "Damn, floor." His eyes looked at the woman as she put her gear on. A smirk played a role on her face.

"You should have slept on the bed. It was mighty comfy." She teased, pulling him out the room.

Madara semi glares at her. "You are one hell of a woman." He spoke, crossing his arms. Making an exit out of the village, they continued their way to the south.

"Oh," She glances at him. "Please, no flattering. I'm on the job."

Shaking his head, the Uchiha male tsk her. "Where are you taking me?" Narrowing his eyes at her, he glances down at the woman.

"The leaf." Simply stating. The thought nearly made the Uchiha scoff. As if he wanted to go to that place. Lulu noticed the distasteful look on his face. "Oh, no home sweet home?"

"I despise that place."

Rolling her eyes, she spoke to him. "I'm sure not everyone is going to fond of you either."

Crossing his arms, Madara looks down at the female. "As if I care."

"Stop that." Lulu murmured to him, now holding him a bit more gentle. This causes the superior male to raise a questionable brow. Sighing, Lulu explains, "I think you don't really mean any harm. Just...misunderstood, yes?"

He stayed quiet for a moment. This was the first he heard of someone thinking different of him. "Misunderstood is an understatement."

She glances up at him. "Oh? Care to elaborate?"

This causes him to contiplate if he should tell her or not. Sighing, he confesses, "I wanted an era of peace." Listening to him speak, she waited for him to continue, knowing it was more to it. "The time I was born, all we knew was war....my friend....wasn't suppose to even be friends. We were suppose to be rivals." A shrug came from the Uchiha.

"Our family faught for years on....belive it or not, I was a settled man. I smiled. I laughed....but my last brother was killed. I made it a duty to protect his life, but sadly...I failed." Madara gritted his teeth together. "He was killed by the Senji clan....I wanted to build a perfect world with no violence and with my brother to be alive."

Listening to him, Lulu recalled the incident with Uchiha Sasuke. He'd lost his entire clan and became a dark spirit. "The Curse of Hatred...." She murmured, glancing at him. Stopping, she grabbed onto his arm causing him to stop as well. "Madara...stay still." Blinking, the male raised his eyebrow confused. Noticing a particular set of hand-signs, his dark eyes widened a tad bit. Before he could react, his heart was snatched out of his chest.

"W-what are you...?" This time, Lulu was gentle with his heart. She actually paid attention to the organ instead of attempting to harm him. There it was, a dark spot on his heart...but it didn't cover his heart completely. A small smile came onto the kunoichi's face.

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now