1.9: Confront

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They sat there, looking down on each other. The only sounds that filled the air was the nightly sounds of Konaha and their breathing. Everytime one of them blinked, so did the other. It had been a continuous loop for the past twenty minutes that neither broken. What had caused this....well, a certain Uchiha had provoked it. A particular statement had been said from him which left the woman displeased.

Lulu's eyes narrowed at the Uchiha. "Excuse me?" Keeping her legs crossed as she sat on the rug of the floor. Her violet eyes blinking at the male as she growls, watching Madara smirk.

Placing his hands behind his head, the Uchiha simply shrugged while gazing down at her. "You...like...me..." He repeated much more slow as he continued to watch the brunette slowly lose her temper. It brought him satisfaction seeing he had this affect on the kunoichi.

"And, where did you get that observation from?" She splats, holding her knees to her chest.

"It was so many clues to look from the beginning that made it so clear, a blind person could see it."

"Which are...?"

"Well, for starters you didn't kill me-"

"I didn't know what to do-"

"You practically pleaded with your hokage to let me stay-"

"It was a simple friendly gesture-"

"You cook for me-"

"And you clean for me-"

"Face it. You like me."

Rubbing her lips together in a thin line, Lulu remains on the floor before crossing her arms. "Tch, me? Like you?" She laughs a bit before stopping suddenly. "Ew."

Sitting on the floor as well, he rolls his dark eyes before crawling in between her legs. Standing on his knees, he growls in the back of his throat. "I should say the same. You dress in majority of boy clothing."

"Well, everything that comes out your mouth is always about how good you look. I mean, you are, but not that damn good." She lies as Madara leans foward, getting closer to her face. She had to admit, it was that damn good, but she'd never say it to him. Kami knows how much he'll use it against her.

"Hmph. You have an unhealthy obsession with cheesecake and pineapples."

Laying back on the floor, she corrects him. "And dark chocolate. "

Smirking, Madara holds her hands, pinning them above her before replying, "I bet you I can taste it in your mouth." Before Lulu could respond, the Uchiha places his lips ontop of hers.

Humming into the kiss, it took a moment before he pulled away. Resting his nose against hers, he muttered, "I here by claim you as mine..." Furrowing her brow at the sudden words, Lulu stayed silent for a moment. Watching her with steady eyes as he sat up, the Uchiha sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. It was a lot different to ask a woman out now than when he was around. Back then, all he had to do was claim them and they were his, now...he had to ask for permission. His usual confidence deflated. "I mean...if you want to...we can...start off with a...um, date-Ack!"

"Why, sure. " She spoke as if she didn't just throw a pillow to his gut with all her might. Smiling gently at him as she watches Madara narrow his eyes, Lulu asks, "Well, where to?"

"Mm, I don't know....I didn't think I'd get this far..."

"And you caused a war...."


Smiling at him innocently as she stood, Lulu patted his head as he was curled into a ball. "Kami, I only punched you..."

"....you punched me there!" He exclaimed. "You hit like a man!"

"Oh, suck it up. "

She began to walk away but paused when he heard him mutter, "You suck it up...."

Narrowing her eyes at his snark remark, "Excuse me?"

Not being one to back down, he stood, looming over her. Madara's eyes looked down at her, dominant. "You heard me." Clenching her fist into a tight ball, she growled out. Going to strike him once more, Madara grabbed onto her hand. Smirking, "Mm, such a bad, bad thing to do....you deserved to be punished..."

"Oh, Kami. Spare me." She rolled her eyes. Snatching her hand away, she turned once more and left his presence.

"Be ready at seven."

"Kiss my ass."


"Madara, I'm here!" Lulu yelled as she entered her home. Sighing, not fully understanding why and had to announce her presence despite her living here, the purple eyed kunoichi arched a brow at the smell of food.

Burnt food, but food nonetheless.

Crossing her arms as she entered the kitchen, her eyes widened at the sight of the black smoke that the Uchiha desperately tried to make go away by opening windows and the back door, fanning it away. His dark eyes turned to look at the woman as he sweatdropped and gave her a weak smile.

Running his fingers through his lengthy hair, the male paused and faced Lulu. "Oh...you're here early..."

"It's seven..."

"I said seven thirty...."

"It was seven and what the hell are you doing?" Her arms crossed as she narrows her eyes at Madara. She waited before observing the mess in her kitchen with a frown.

Blinking at her, the Uchiha simply took a hold of her wrist and lead her out of the kitchen and into the dining room where things had been set up. Before she could say anything, Madara placed her in a chair rather roughly before commanding her to stay.

She watched with purple eyes as the man left to go back into the kitchen. Crossing her arms, Lulu leaned against the chair. "What's going on in that man's head....?"

It took a while before the Uchiha had came back with food. His cheeks puffed out before presenting it in front of Lulu. Her eyes instantly blinked at the food. 'The hell is this? ' is what she wanted to say, but seeing he'd worked hard on it, she said nothing.

Obviously seeing the look on her face, Madara narrowed his eyes and glared at the woman slightly. "You hate it."

"I didn't even say anything..."

"Your face did."

"It's great, I promise!"

"I don't believe you. "

Pressing her lips together, Lulu grabbed the fork, penetrating it. She didn't know what it was, but she would soon find out. Taking a bit, she clenched the fork and faked a smile. "Yummy..."

"You didn't swallow it..."

Was he trying to kill her? Probably.

Swallowing thickly, Lulu exhales and turned her attention to Madara and gave her a smug look.

He paused, looking at her. His oxyn eyes widen causing her brows to furrow. "Is your face suppose to swell up like that...?"



"...What's in this...?"

Madara froze and began to list off the ingredients,"Um....lemon...peppers...articho-"

"I'm allergic to artichokes..."

"Oh, shit..." Despite the situation, it was honestly hilarious to Lulu. "What are you laughing for?!" He was seriously wondering if she had any mental issues.

"I'm s-sorry." Wiping a tear from her eye, "I have an epipen in my room..." She watches as he quickly went up the steps while she calmly took a sip of water. She should've probably told that her condition wasn't that serious as he was making it out to be.

But, what would be the fun in that?

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now