2.4: Very Awkward Aftermath

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She felt settled. A warm giddy feeling was looming over her and she didn't mind one bit. The muscular, strong arms that wrapped around her waist gave her comfort. The morning sun making its appearance through her blinds as she groaned slightly. Although she was a bit sore, she still felt at ease. Fluttering her eyes open, her eyes immediately looked down at the Uchiha that held onto her for dear life. She tried not to giggle as she took a hold of his hair and put it in a nice, messy bun to get it out his face.

A small grunt came from him as he stirred a bit, but he appeared to still be asleep. Smiling softly, Lulu's brows then furrowed at another presence in the house. Before she could wake Madara up, the door opened to reveal her bestfriend, Sabrina as she carried a cheesecake in her hands along with a smile on her face. Oblivious at the moment to what she was walking in on, the teal eyed woman held out the cake.

"Lulu! I came to..." Her words began to drag out as she then observed the scenery of her naked bestfriend and the mysterious guy holding onto her, burying his face in her thighs to conceal his identity. "vis...it..." She blinked as she watches Lulu try to cover herself with the blanket, but no avail due to the man ontop of her and the comforter.

Groaning before sitting up, Madara rubbed at his eyes and sat up straight to see what all the commotion was about. Furrowing his brows at the girl that seemed frozen in her spot like a dear at headlights, his eyes flickered to the cake she held. "Is that for me?"

Blinking, her dark cheek turning a vibrant red as the blood rushes towards her cheeks. Her eyes widened as she lowered her hand of the cake and quickly averted her eyes. "I-is this a bad time...? Because I can just, you know leave this on the counter for you... So, yeah I'm just going to gooooo...." As she sidesteps out of the room with a sweatdrop and a very awkward grin.

Watching as she went, Lulu's cheeks also stained red as she grabbed the closest thing to cover herself which was Madara's shirt and chased after her friend. Catching her in the kitchen, she rubbed the back of her head in a nervous matter. "Oh, hey Bri. It would've been nice of you to call ahead of time."

Resting her palm against the counter as she released a breath. "So, when were you going to tell me about...him." She questions lowly as she looked at her bestfriend from the corner of her eyes. Hurt and betrayal clear in her teal eyed as she furrowed her brows.

To see her best friend with the world's most known villan had been a punch in the face. Sabrina hadn't expected to see...well...that! She leaves the village for a month or so and she finds Lulu had gotten herself into something like this. To fool around with someone like Madara! She knew her teammate was crazy, but Kami....Sabrina was just happy that she had gotten use to her exotic ways.

Sighing before running her fingers through her dark hair, Lulu murmured her explination. "I just...trying to figure out how to tell him to you-"

"Tell me that you're...screwing around with him?" She snaps. It didn't intend to come out so harsh, but to tell you the truth, this was big.

Lulu puffed out her cheeks. "Oh, what did you want me to say? 'Hey, Bri. Just letting you know, I'm dating the guy who started the fourth shinobi war. Oh! And by the way, I'm fucking him."

It was silent for a while before she spoke again. "I would've supported you no matter what you do, you know." She uttered softly before  turning to me with a faint smile. It was true. She stood by the violet eyed kunoichi's side for Kami knows how long.  Why should she give up now? Bri belived in her craze ways and she believed she knew she could handle it. And if Lulu couldn't, Sabrina would be there to help without a doubt.  "Even if he is...not necessarily...good."

Chuckling lowly, "You're one to talk. Gaara attacked our village and killed the villagers...including our sensei..." She sighs and hummed. Their sensei had been a different little Hyūga. She was one of the reasons why Lulu became who she was. Hell, she gave Lulu her nickname.  Although she was heartbroken that Nona sensei had died, she made a promise to become a better shinobi to protect her loved one which is why she choose to be Anbu captain.

"H-hey! He's changed!"  Sabrina huffed with crossed arms and red cheeks. She had to admit, Gaara wasn't exactly an angel when they were younger,  but the kazekage grown and evolved into a great man Lulu was happy to see her best friend fall in love with. Despite her not having a liking in him when they were younger since Nona's death had been apart of that ambush, she grown to forgive him. 

"And who said Madara hasn't?"

Blinking, they stared each other down. Running her fingers through her lengthy hair, Sabrina shook her head. "Dammit, Lulu...one day, you'll be the death of me." She laughs softly.

Hearing a deep sigh caused both of the women to look towards the Uchiha who had been leaning against the doorframe entrance of the kitchen. Pushing himself off the frame, he walks behind Lulu and kisses her head. "Who's she?"

Flushing softly, Lulu introduced her childhood friend. "This is Sabrina. My bestfriend."

Rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, Bri gave a slight smile. "Eh...yeah...that's me...Sabrina...her bestfriend....me..." Madara smirked slightly at the nervous girl as she coughed to hide her embarrassment.

"No need to be nervous..."

"Tch, poor child is probably scared for life, Ma..." Lulu pouted. "I'd be nervous too."

Narrowing her eyes at the pair, "I'm older than you..."

Clearly ignoring the girl, Lulu continued. "Maybe we should knock her out and she'll forget..."

"No, no...no need for that..." Slowly backing away, Bri sweatdropped.

"I'll get the lamp and we'll make it look like an accident." Madara says as they nod.

'Psychopaths...that's what they are.' Quickly escaping the house before the lamp was thrown at her, the teal eyes woman caught her breath. She would definitely need to get used to this....

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now