1.6: Understand

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It has been barely two weeks since Lulu took Madara in. The two bicker from time to time....to time...to time... But, it was getting better by the day. The Uchiha rarely complained about rule number, even if he did despised it. The captain even let him leave the house on his own...well, he had to be back less than fifteen minutes or quote unqoute, she was going to drag his sorry ass back.

The villagers still glared and whispered, but Kakashi made it clear to them to leave him unbothered. Of course, they were outraged by this, but didn't have much say in the command. It didn't stop them from snarling and hiding away from the Uchiha...not that he cared anyway. It didn't matter to him if they liked him or not.

The feeling in Madara's chest didn't decrease either. It only became stronger and stronger by the passing minute they spent together. It made him grow irratated as he didn't know what was the matter. Perhaps the crazy woman took his heart one too many, he kept telling himself. The feeling had him going crazy and wary and it was clear as daylights to Lulu.

Sitting with his arms crossed while he glared at the wall, Lulu stops her work. Placing the pen on top of the desk, she folds her hand and looks at him from the couch. "And your problem is?"

"Why do you care?"

"Whoa, someone's moody." She teased, trying to lift the mood up. It failed of course as he only grew grumpier. Sighing, she mumbles. "I need you to go get me chocolate."

His head snaps towards her. "Again?" He'd noticed how much she had a particular liking in the three items. Cheesecake, dark chocolate and pineapples.

"Yes, again."

Rolling his eyes, he stood uo nonetheless. "Where do you put it?" He asked even though he pretty much had a clue as he eyed her curves.

Noticed his gaze on her, she blushes slight and shooed him away. "Now, now. Go on." She releases a puff of air as she watches him go before she returns to work.

Exiting the house, Madara grumbled and decided to make the trip quick, not wanting for her to look for him. As he walked, he shoved his hands into his pocket, thinking how easy it would be to leave and never come back. But, he found himself feel aversion to the idea. He couldn't imagine leaving her. Especially when she had such faith in him. He didn't want to disappoint her, not even in the slightest.

Arriving at the store, he went to the familiar aisle that displayed the chocolate. He made sure to get the dark kind, not mistaking it for the milk. He did that once and she gave him hell for it. Going to purchase the item, the cashier frowns seeing that Lulu had not been with him.

Shivering slightly, he spoke quietly. "That'll be...112 yen. " handing the money, the cashier took it a shaky hand. Madara rolled his eyes and just left the store without a word. A sigh left his mouth as he walked back to Lulu's house. He paused in front of the door and his eyes slowly turned to anger.


Hearing the shout, Lulu jumps up from her seat and rushes outside to see Madara pissed. Blinking, she frowns. "What's wrong?"

Slamming the door shut, Lulu looks at the vandalism on her door with wide eyes. Some reading 'DIE!', 'BE GONE, MONSTER! ' and even, 'WE HATE YOU!'

"What the hell is this?" Madara hisses towards the woman, glaring at the door.

The kunoichi stays quiet for a moment before speaking, "I'll get this cleaned off."

She turned to go inside until the Uchiha grabs her. "When did this happen?" He could deal with the talk and nasty looks, but bringing Lulu into it pissed him off greatly.

Shrugging, "I don't know...about a week ago maybe."

"And when were you going to inform me?"

"...Never really."

Dropping the chocolate, he walks in front of her and crosses his arms. "I'll find the bastards that did this and kill them-"

"Stop!" She yelled. "Damnit, it was probably some kids, okay. Chill. " Looking at the chocolate, she picks it up and goes inside. Following her, she watches her toss it on the table and began filling a bucket with some water.

"Why are you so okay with this?" He askes in disbelief.

Grabbing a rag, Lulu looks at him with a slight smile. "They don't understand, Madara." She spoke softly. Picking up the bucket once it filled, she adds, "They don't see what I see." With that, she left.

Madara stared at her with wide eyes as he just watches her leave. Biting his bottom lip, he turns away and sighs.

The chest pain increase.


Lulu watches the rainfall from outside her window and smiles slightly. Standing from her bed, she puts her hair in a high pony and walks out the house barefooted. She began to run in the rain at full speed, enjoying the feeling of the raindrops her skin. Grinning as she ran, she ran around the village three time before finally going back home.

Softly closing the door with a soft click, Lulu made sure to be as quiet as can be, seeing it was three in the morning. She didn't want to wake Madara. Turning, her eyes widened at the dark figure until she calmed herself when she realizes it was just the Uchiha.

Murmuring, she askes, "What are you doing up?" He didn't answer, only stared at her "Hm? Madar-" she didn't finished her sentence when he pulled her close to his body. His lips crashing down onto her as she blinks surprise.

Pulling her wet body close to his as Madara put energy and passion into the kiss. Soon enough, the purple eyed woman gave in and wraps her arms around his neck. Playing with the nape of his hair, she sighs before they pulled away. The aching in the Uchiha's chest stopped as he stared at the woman.

Letting her go, he closes his eyes momentarily before releasing her, rushing to his room. Locking the door behind him, he sighs and plops onto the bed, leaving a very confused Lulu frozen in her spot.

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now