2.8: Love

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Groaning softly as the lighting shining upon her eyes woke her, Lulu flutters them open before placing her hand in front of her face to block the bright sun. Blinking the sleep from her eyes as she sat up slowly to realize that she was in a bed. Turning her attention to the man beside her who gave her a slight smile as their eyes rested upon each other, he spoke lowly with a chuckle. "It was about time you've awoken."

Still shocked by looking at the male before her, she didn't know if she should hug or punch him. "You're one to talk, Baka." Although she refused to let him see how happy she was that he awakened, she couldn't help the smile that plastered over her face before she hugs him and began kissing him. "Why did you do it?"

Chuckling against the embrace as he slowly puts his arm over her back to rub it softly, the Uchiha answers her as if it was the most simple question in the world. "Well...I know I'm not a man by words...nor action...but, I'm willing to give my all to...I love you."

Grinning as she carefully straddles the man before her, the brunette replies, "Awww, Madara Uchiha is willing to do anything for a woman."

Shaking his head with an amused look glistening in eyes, "Not just any woman. My woman."


"Ok, he's okay to be released, but he is drained. He can't use any chakra at the moment or he'll literally, ya know...blah!" Nina explained as Lulu's eye twitches with a smile which the raven haired woman returned.

"Great to hear."

Tilting her head as Madara grunts lowly before exiting the bathroom fully dressed, he looks down at the two women before his eyes rested on the nurse. "Thank you." He spoke deeply as she smiles at him sweetly.

Grabbing his hand as she kept the smile on her face, she mutters to him, clenching onto his hand with her strength that resembles Tsunade's, "Break her heart and I'll break every bone in your body." Letting go and leaving the room, Madara's narrow as he shook his fingers back in position.

"Great woman. I like it."

"I'm sure you do."


"Glad to be a free man?" Lulu looked up from the pot that was filled with sauce as she turned her head to the man that leaned back in her seat. Placing the wooden spoon on the cloth beside the stove, she joins him at the table.

Seeing him scoff, the Uchiha shook his head, but he couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips. "Perhaps...it's feels good to not have to hide every time someone comes over, but I know not all will welcome my stay here."

Squealing and wrapping her arms around him as he fell back onto the floor from the impact, Lulu grins and cups his face before kissing him. "Give the old man a second chance, I say." She murmured into the kiss which causes him to pull away.

"24...not old."

"Ne, pretty old."

"You are so lucky I like-"


They blinked at each other before he smiles and chuckles and continues, "Love you..."

"Ah, the great Madara Uchiha is in love." Pinching his cheeks together, she grins before standing up. Helping the raven haired male up, the purple eyed kunochi fixed the chair and pats his head.

He could get use to this feeling: love.

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now