2.3: Love

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Lulu searched all around the house for her phone, but still came up short

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Lulu searched all around the house for her phone, but still came up short. Her brows furrowed as she released a frustrating sigh. She know for a fact that she wouldn't just leave it lying around only to loose it. That'll be so unlike her, especially since she cherish that device as much as pineapples and that says a lot.

Tapping her chin and continues to observe the kitchen for her cell phone. Her violet gaze then immediately turns to the Uchiha at the door frame. He watches her confused as his hands clenched on both sides of the towel that sat on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for my phone." She murmured as her eyes averted from his white, wet shirt that left no room for imagination for what's underneath it. She couldn't get distracted now. She had a mission to do.


Lulu's eyes narrowed before turning back to him just in time to see him pull out her phone from his pocket. "You mean this contraction." Madara muttered as he eyed it with a weird expression.

Sighing in relief, "Oh, good. You have it...wait, why do you have it?"

Touching random buttons on the screen, he shrugs. "I was curious as to what it does. Lot of things advanced since I was last here..."

"Well...yeah. You're like...what, eighty?"

Snapping his onyx eyes to meet hers, he growls. "I am only 24 have you know!"

"Physically, but mentally..." She dragged off trying to retrieve her cellular device only to have him hold it above his head. She cursed at her lack of height.

Madara scoffed. "I'll have you know this is the age I died in, so therefore-"

"That's nice and dandy, but my phone." She states bluntly.

Furrowing his brows, "What's so great about this...phone?"

"It's like super, ultra, mega cool."

This causes the Uchiha to blink even more confused. "Its reasons?"

"You can call and talk to people who aren't around-"

"We use to have that too, ya know. Having a messenger bird and tying a note to its leg-"

"No, shut up. It's not the same." She rolled her vibrant eyes at him. "You don't need a bird for this, you just need good connection."

"Good...connection?" Tilting his head up so he'd look at the device with a hum, he continued. "Where can you find that?"

"Dude, as long as you're not in a cave or underwater, it's everywhere." Explaining this, she heard noises come from her phone.

"Lulu, what is this?"

Turning her head up to see bright flashing lights, "You're playing a game..."


《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now