2.5: Cheating

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"Oh...you're back..."


Turning her violet gaze to the redheaded woman, an Uzumaki no doubt, Lulu looked back at Kenta with pressed lips. "And you brought a guest..."

"My fiancé." He smiles as he gave the Uzumaki woman's a gentle squeeze. "This is Moka. Moka, this is Lulu. Our new neighbor."

Bowing slightly, Moka gives the Hisakawa woman a sweet smile. "Nice to meet you." Lulu merely hummed in response as she was simply hesitate to let them into her home seeing she had a criminal in hiding. I mean, it's not like he's important or anything. "You are very pretty might I add."

Raising her brows at the compliment, the brunette woman sighs before opening her door wider for the visitors. "Thanks...come in..." Watching the pair stroll inside, Lulu puffed out her cheeks and followed once she closed the door. If it weren't for the fact of Madara, she would've probably been thrilled about the couple, but she was growing frustrated since she knew they were only here for one thing.

To snoop.

Did Kakashi had to stoop that low to expose her? If he was playing that card, then it's practically cheating. And, Lulu hated cheaters. "What a lovely home." Moka observed the structure and all with wide, bright eyes. Looking back at the other woman, "Is there someone else that lives with you?"

Blinking at the sudden question, Lulu was sure that Kenta would've told her that she lived alone...shit. It went over her head that she was an Uzumaki, a sensory type. Shaking her head as her dark hair fly in either direction, the violet eyed woman states, "No. Me, myself, and I."

Rubbing her lips together before glancing at fiancé, Moka returned her attention to the pictures that were displayed. "Intresting."

Perking her brow at Kenta who simply smiled at his wife, his silver eyes turns to the Hisakawa woman. "Ah, blunt isn't she?"

"Very..." Rolling her eyes before observing the woman with a quick glance. "Jounin or chunin?"

Erecting herself, "Niether." This causes Lulu to arch her brow in confusion. "I'm not a ninja. Just a simple woman if you'd like to put it like that." Her green eyes then flickered to Kenta. "As well as him not allowing me to even if I wanted to."

Kenta gave them both a sheepish look while he rubs at the back of his neck. "Mm, I just don't want anything to happen to you is all."

"But..." Lulu paused as she thought for a quick moment. "That's what happens when you're a ninja." She questions unsure of the real reason behind his protectiveness. His eyes displayed a more depth reasoning which caused the ANBU captain to be curious.

Coughing into his hand, Kenta smiled at the pair with a shake in his head before his wife spoke up for him. "Kenta had been a former samurai in the Land of Snow...." He stayed quiet as she spoke knowing better than to interrupt. "It left some...rather scarring moment to say the least."

"Tch," Lulu looked down at the ground momentarily. "Don't they all..." Looking at the pair with narrowed eyes, she then says, "The scar then....it must have happened there then, huh?"

Subconsciously feeling his wrapped nose, the corner of Kenta's lip moved upward. "Ah, yes....it is, actually." Placing his hands behind his back, "Observant."

"Very." The trio stood in a silence...a rather awkward one to say the least. It wasn't until the Hiskawa woman perked up, "Drinks!" Blinking rapidly, "How could I be so rude? I forgot to offer you both drinks." Rubbing the back of her neck as she wore a scarlet blush on her cheeks, she watch them both share an amused look.

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