1.3: How Interesting

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Looking at the woman, a glare in his dark eyes, Madara simply scoffed and held onto his aching chest. "Tch....I'll be happy to answer any questions you have." He snarls with a sickening sweet grin.

Blinking at him, she rubbed her lips together in a thin line before asking, "How are you alive?" Narrowing her eyes, "You died in the war..."

"Ah, the great shinobi war...." He made a distasteful look at the thought of remembering the event. His own allie stabbing him in back....literally. "A young child who appeared to be practicing forbidden jutsus...." A dark chuckle escapes his lips. "Poor child."

"Hmph, " Was the sound Lulu made at his explanation. Damn curious generation...curiosity did kill the cat. Sighing, she continued. "What are your intentions?" She askes holding his faint pumping heart in her hand. She knew he wouldn't be wondering off just for the hell of it. The man had a goal and she intended to find out just what.

Smirking, the Uchiha spoke, "If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise, now would it? "

Squeezing his heart, gently leaving Madara hacking and wheezing for breath, it was Lulu's turn to smirk. "You want to retry that?" Glaring at the purple eyed woman, Madara clenches his chest. Reducing the pressure, she walks up to him. Her brows furrowed before speaking. "Your chakra is drained...." she concluded. "That's why you weren't using your famous powers you displayed in the war."

Speaking through his teeth, he says, "Ah, I'm well known-ack!" He coughed up blood when the young mistress applied more preasure to his heart.

"That's not good...you're basically powerless..." she frowns. She thought for a moment. Shall she kill him right here...or bring him to hokage for further instruction. Sighing, she places his heart back into his chest as the male gasped for air. Doing another quick hand gesture, Lulu lays her hand on his back, leaving a seal on him.

"W-What is this?" Madara growls at her with narrowed eyes. His energy draining slowly from his body.

"A seal. What does it look like?"

Nearly scoffing as the woman helped him stand, he splats, "You're quite the smartass, aren't you?"

Pushing him through the woods, she smirks. "I try. I honestly do." Glancing at the seal, she frowns slightly. "Don't try anything...if you do, that'll eat away at your chakra....something you barely have."

Cursing at himself, the dark haired male looks back at her. He didn't know how he got himself into such a predicament. His body wasn't ready for a battle....the war had nearly drained him. Drained him so much, he couldn't even defend himself against a damn woman.

Being pushed into a small village, he watches with crossed arms as the woman rented a bedroom. It had already been dark, not to mention it was quite the journey to Konaha. He glared at the bypassers as they whimpered away and pointed while whispering. Baring his teeth at them, they quickly coward away, leaving the Uchiha with his famous smirk...well, that was until Lulu pulled him by his hair to their room.

Hissing in pain, she finally lets go once they arrive. Rubbing his scalp, he turned his black orbs to the woman. "Isn't there a kitchen for you to cook in?" He crossed him arms before sitting on the only bed in the room which came unnoticed by Madara. Raising a questionable brow, he bit onto his bottom lip.

Setting her things down, Lulu scoffs at his little comment. "Oh? Is that a sexist joke?" Turning her bright eyes to him, she tsk and shook her head. "A criminal and a sexist bastard. You're getting more charming by the minute." Approaching him, the young female grabs him by his hair once more and tosses him off the bed. "This is my bed. You shall be sleeping on the floor."

Madara chuckles and stood before dusting himself off. "Very funny, woman."

Taking a seat, she crosses her legs and smirks at him. "It wasn't a joke. This was the only room available, so therefore, no bed for you, Mr. Uchiha."

Pursing his lips, the male narrows his eyes at her. "I'll be damned if I'm sleeping on the floor." He spoke before adding. "The bed is big enough for the both-"

"And I'll be damned if I sleep in the same bed as you." Lulu hisses. Straightening her back, she then says, "There's something about you...." she dragged on.

Smirking, Madara leans against the wall. "Is that so?" He chuckles slightly. "Perhaps it's my undeniable charm? The sexiness? Perhaps-"

"Enability to satisfy a woman." This puts a stop to his list before he snapped towards the woman. A large smirk plastered on her face as he growled.

"Excuse me?"

Shrugging, "You're just so cocky."

Madara scoffs, staring down at the woman. "Is not called being cocky. It's great confidence. "

"Right," Lulu rolls her eyes before continuing. "But, that wasn't it....I belive there is something more to you."

"Enlighten me, dear." He spoke in a dry voice, awaiting for her to explain.

"You wanted to create a perfect world...where everything is...well...perfect."

Of course his plan had failed greatly. Something he worked so hard for turned into dust. Frowning a bit, he sighs and nods once. "Yes, what about it?"

"What is your dream world?" She wondered. "Why did you want it so bad?"

The question startled him greatly before snapping at her. "I don't need to tell you anything." They sat in silence for a moment or two before Lulu spoke up again.

"Right...I'm not forcing you to tell me...it's just everyone has to have a reason for their actions."

And with her wording, he knew she was right. But, he kept his mouth shut. He didn't understand why she even bothered talking to him...he didn't even understand why she kept him alive. The woman had a perfect opportunity to eliminate him and have her job over and done....perhaps she was messing with him. Disabling his abilities, it was easy. She even had his heart in her small hands.

Sighing, he takes a seat on the floor and crosses his legs. They stared at each other for a split moment before turning their head. "I need to keep an eye on you..." Lulu mutters, looking at him from the corner of her eyes.

Almost snorting, Madara crosses his arms. "Honestly, where am I going to go?" He spoke, almost insulted. He didn't have much power to break the seal, as of now, he was useless. He could barely perform a small fire ball jutsu.

"I can't guarantee you won't try to sneak away while I'm asleep." Standing, she does a set of hand-signs. One in particular that the former hokage, Tsunade had taught her. Relatively speaking, it was supposedly used to put patients to sleep while they perform any medical care. It made sure they slept until the jutsu was undone.

Watching as her pointer and middle finger flow a faint teal color, Madara furrowed his brows. "Hey, what are you-" Lightly touching his forehead, the female Anbu leader smiles as she watch his eyes close and he falls back onto the floor in a deep slumber.

Studying his sharp features, her lips puckered in thought before she took off her vest and removed her mask from her waist. Setting it aside, she laid in the bed and thought:

'This is the most interesting mission I've encountered thusfar.'

《••To Love an Uchiha••》 {Madara Uchiha Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now