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Chapter 21.

Skye's POV.

Well a lot has change since we have been here.

It's been about 8 months from what I heard last.

And everyone seems to do their own thing now.

Liesa rooms with a girl who is in her nursing classes. Zayn drifts from us to the group of guys in his beginners class for combat.

Liam is always with his girlfriend. Last I seen him he was bitter. Louis with his girlfriend. What a perfect couple. He just entertains the whole community.

Jarrod and Harry still rooms with me. Jarrod has his eye on a strange little blonde. Harry's just not into anyone here. And Niall, he still with me.

I sit of from my deep thought to an empty bedroom.

It's so different now. This war has torn us all apart.

I close my eyes trying to hide the pain but all that I can see now is us, happily back at my dads cabin.

All gathered around the warm fire. Harry and Liam sitting on the floor. Liesa in the doorway that enters the kitchen. Zayn, Niall, and I on the couch. Jarrod leaning up against the wall, and of course Louis in the middle entertaining us. The fire nice and warm.

It made my heart ache. They all filled the emptiness in my heart.

A knock on the door echoed in the empty room.

"Come in," I call from the comfort of my bed.

Lifting my eyes from my quilt to focus on the figure infront of my bed.

"Everyone's been looking for you," Harry said as he took a sir at the end of the bed, "You alright?"

"Yeah fine," waving my hand forcing a smile.

"Well Jarrod told me to tell you he's moving into Amanda's cave," Harry laughed, "Never thought I'd say cave."

"Of course he is," I fling my hands to my side in frustration.

"Alright. Tell me what's up. Now."

Harry's voice had a bit of dominance in it.

"It's just," I sighed, "I feel like everyone is drifting apart."

"Well Skye. We are. We are growing up. You can't expect things to be the same."

Harry wasn't that good at calming me down like Niall was.

He was more straight forward.

"Now, stand up," Harry grabbed me by the arm," Bet I can take you down now."

I laughed, "Highly doubt it."

"Come on, I've been practicing " Harry takes a stance, "Come on now."

"You asked it," I go straight for the abdominal. As he went down I grab him by the arm and flip him over.

I watched as he laid on the floor.

"Alright I'll get you next time," he smiled, "Oh and Skye. We need to keep our bags packed. We under alert. They think those creatures know where we are now."

"Alright Harry," I watch as he's about to leave the room.

"Harry," I chirped out.

"Yes Skye"

I grab him by the arms and embrace him, "Promise we will always be close!"

"I promise Skye. You've become a little sister to me. Ill always be here for you."


Harry leaves my sight and out the room.

I begin to ready myself for the day.

Until door slams open.

"SKYE! SKYE!" I hear Niall's panicked


"I'm here Niall. What's wrong?"

He grabs me and pulls me in a right hug. Kissing my head, "Thank god you're okay."

"What's wrong Niall?"

"We have to leave. Now."

"What's wrong!?"

"Skye it's no longer safe here. We have been discovered. There's a house a couple miles out. Far enough. And safe. Non of those creatures would dare venture that far out."

"What about Harry, Jarrod, Liesa?"

"Harry and Jarrod are waiting for us. Come on."

"What about the others?"

"We don't have time," Niall yells.

"Damn it Niall! I'm not leaving them," I dash out the door.

Running down hall after hall. Dogs let loose every where. Panic filled the once so peaceful place.

Right in front of me. Here came the gang running the only way they know out.

"Come on!"

We ran.

Ran like no tomorrow.

I could hear the screams of every person.

Down the long dark hall. Knowing we would be safe.

Too scared to look back. I knew most of people had been taken.

I hear a thud.

I turn around to see Jarrod. Being attracted by a creature.

"Go on Skye," I could see the pain in his eye.

"I'm not leaving you," I take my vie and shoot it.

Liam runs back and throws Jarrod over his shoulder.

I can see the amount of blood Jarrod has lost. And I begin to worry. I can't lose him.

Finally we see the light of day. Shinning in our face.

We begin to run. Run for the hill.

Until I turn around to see Zayn and Liesa running the other way.

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