chapter fifteen

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When the ride had stopped, I saw Ashton run off and Calum ran after him, he must of felt sick after the ride, I turned round to look at Luke he had his head down as he pushed passed me, we hadn't spoken a word to each other after the whole staring into each others eyes incident, I must admit I did feel something whilst we looked at each other but I shouldn't he's my boyfriends best friend and my best friends boyfriend. Shaking the thoughts from my head I ran out of the ride area wanting to see Michael I could see him waiting for me with a smile on his face.

"I missed you" He laughed as he pulled me into a hug, I clung onto him as if my life depended on it.

"Hey, you ok?" He pulled away and looked at me.

"Can we go now please, I want to leave" I begged.

"What's happened Ash and Cal ran passed me without saying a word and Luke didn't even look at me" Looking confused.

I knew what was wrong with Luke but I wasn't going to tell Michael. Ash and Cal on the other hand I had no idea "Maybe they felt ill after the ride" I shrugged.

"Pussies, and they make fun of me" Michael laughed. "Come on let's go catch up to the others"

Michael grabbed hold of my hand and we headed towards Luke's car. When we climbed in it was all quiet.

"Took you long enough didn't it!" Ashton snapped, he then turned to me and gave me a glare. I gave him a confused look as he turned to look back out the window.

"Ok Ash we're here now calm down" Michael scoffed.

As we pulled out the car park it hit me, we were going back to Jess's to hang out, how could I look at my best friend knowing I have a slight crush on Luke.
Luke's POV:

The drive to Jess's was quiet, no one but Michael spoke about how much he had fun at the fair, I wasn't really listening my mind was on what happened with me and Lauren after she told me I had nice eyes we just sat and stared into each others eyes, what the hell is happening?

We pulled up outside Jess's house.
"Erm I might head off home, I'm pretty knackered" I heard Lauren say.

Ashton scoffed beside me. What was his problem?

"No pleas stay Lauren, come on it'll be a laugh" Michael begged.

"If she wants to go home Michael let her, don't force her" I said, when I turned to look at Lauren she looked down at the floor.

"You'd love that wouldn't you" Ashton mumbled as he walked passed me. What the hell was wrong with him? He's been in a funny mood since we left the fair and Calum has stuck to him like glue.

I turned to where Michael and Lauren were stood discussing about her coming to Jess's or not, I could see where she was coming from I didn't want to be here either but I was trying to act like nothing had happened. As I waited I stood and stared at Lauren, I must admit she was an attractive girl she was perfect for Michael not me I had Jess.

"You coming inside?" Michael chuckled bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Erm, y-yeah" shaking my head. I take it lauren was staying, as her and Michael headed inside hand in hand.

"What took you's so long?" Jess asked as she ran upto me and pulled me into a hug.

"Sorry, Lauren wasn't sure if she was coming or not, she's pretty knackered" Michael answered.

"Oh I see, you didn't want to see you best friend hey?" Jess giggled.

"Of course I did" Lauren chuckled as she looked over at me, I could see she was uncomfortable because so was I.
Ashton's POV:

I watched as Luke and Lauren locked eyes yet again. "What's up with you?" Calum asked "Nothing I'm fine" still staring at Luke and Lauren.

"Come on you've been acting weird since we left the fair" Calum pushed.

"It's nothing Calum just leave it!!" I shouted as I stormed into the kitchen.

I was leaned on the counter with my head in my hands when I heard someone enter the kitchen. "Ash what's going on dude you've been acting weird lately talk to me" I knew it was michael. How could I tell him that his girlfriend and best friend may have feelings for each other plus that I'm in love with Jess.

"I'm fine michael, honestly" I gave him a fake smile.

"Ok, but if u ever need to talk I'm here ok?"
I nodded "good come on we're having drinks in the front room"

We both headed to where the others were sitting I sat down next to Cal I have him a reassuring smile letting him know I was ok.
We all had a few drinks and it was getting lively. "Hey ash what did you mean before when you said 'you'd love that wouldn't you' when lauren was on about going home" Luke asked out of no where.
Lauren's POV:

The room went quiet when luke asked ashton that question I didn't know what the hell was going on everyone else on the other hand looked confused.

"Ha like you don't know Luke" Ashton slurred. I could see Ashton is very drunk."I don't that's why I'm asking you" Luke answered looking confused.

"Ok i'll tell you when were on that ride at the fair I saw the way you and lauren we're looking at each other" He shouted the room went quiet.


"What the hell are you talking about Ashton!" I could see Luke was panicking so was I.

Ashton chuckled "Quit playing dumb I turned round to see if you guys were ok and lauren had her arm linked with yours and you were both staring at each other"

Oh no he saw.

"What?" I turned to michael he looked confused I turned to Jess who was staring at me.

"Listen Jess, Ashton's blown it way out of proportion I asked luke if I could link my arm with his coz I was scared he was fine with it reason why we were looking at each other is coz we were talking about you" I lied I felt so guilty "Christ sake Jess I'm your best friend you have to believe me"

"I do" She smiled I let out a sigh of relief. I smiled.

"Michael that's the truth, Ashton is drunk who's twisting it all" I heard Luke say I turned round Michael looked between us and smiled.

"What the hell Ashton! Why are you trying to cause shit?" Michael snapped.

"I'm not! I'm telling you the truth Michael I don't want you to get hurt that's all"

"Bullshit" Luke spoke up "This all about you trying to split me and Jess up so you can go after her" Luke snarled

Ashton stayed quiet, well the whole room was silent I felt so awkward I didn't want to be here right now so I got up and left without a word.

What the hell is happening?

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