chapter twenty-five

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Luke's POV:
"Jess, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting" Sitting her down on the chair.

"Stop babying me Luke, I woke up and you weren't there, my arm was hurting so I headed over here to see a doctor, but bumped into Ash and he told me everything" She explained.

"Damn it Ashton!" I groaned.

"Hey don't blame him, why didn't any of you tell me why was going on?" She looked mad.

"We didn't want to worry you" Lauren spoke up.

"Hey even though I can't stand you right now doesn't mean I don't care about you Lauren, why did you do it?" Jess spoke calmly.

Lauren put her head down and shrugged "Cause I thought it was what everyone wanted" She started crying.

All 3 of us got up and gave her a group hug. "This is the last thing any of us wanted" Calum was starting to well up.

"Once you and Michael are out of here, we all need to get together and sort all this shit out, it's getting out of hand three people could of died tonight" Calum explained, we all nodded in agreement.

Lauren wanted some rest so we left her to sleep and headed back to Michaels room.
Michaels POV:
I slowly woke up and noticed only Ash was in the room, he looked rather stressed.

"Hey man, you ok?" He jumped at the sound of my voice.

He shook his head "Not really, so much has happened tonight" He explained.

"What do you mean?" Giving him a confused look.

"Well...." He was cut off as Calum, Luke and Jess walked in the room. Everything went quiet, you could cut the tension in here with a knife.

"What have you told him?" Luke asked Ashton, I was really confused now.

"Nothing" Ash mumbled.

"Guys, what's going on?" Something has happened and I wanted to know what. They all looked at one another I was getting frustrated now.

"Just tell me!" I snapped.

"Ok, ok I'll tell you" Luke sighed. Luke sat on the right side of me, Cal sat next to him and Jess sat next to Ash on the other side, Luke looked pissed but I didn't care about that right now.

"Well...erm" Luke was fidgeting in his chair.

"Fuck sake Luke get on with it, I don't have all day" Through gritted teeth. Luke cleared his throat and started to speak.

"After you told me and Lauren to leave earlier, I headed home but Lauren must of gone to Jess', I got a phone call 10 mins later from Lauren saying Jess had hurt herself, so I'd go over and erm" He stopped at looked over at Jess who had her head down.

"She had self harmed" He mumbled that bit but I heard it. I was shocked I looked over at Jess and I could see the tears falling I didn't know what to say, I wasn't going to ask her why because I knew why.

"You can talk to me whenever you want you know that right" I said softly.

She looked up ask me and gave me a reassuring smile, I nodded.

"What about Lauren? Where's Lauren?" I asked. Again they went quiet, oh no what's happened, panic started to kick in.

"Is she ok, please tell me she's ok" Sitting myself up in my bed.

"She's in a room just a couple of doors down from here" Calum spoke up.

"W-what, what happened?" I was really worried now.

"Luke and I received a text from her to tell you and Jess she was sorry for everything she'd done and she said goodbye" Calum continued.

I could feel my eyes swelling with tears.

"Luke found her first, just in time any later she wouldn't of made it"

That's when the tears started falling, I know she hurt me and I'm still angry with her I still cared and I love her, I needed to see her.

"What did she do?" Wiping away my tears with the back of my hand.

"She tried to drink herself to death, there was empty vodka bottles on the table" Luke interupted.

I ran my hands through my hair "I want to see her"

"She's resting maybe go later yeah" Calum suggested.

"No I want to go now" I started getting out of bed, Luke and calum gave me hand "Cal will you take me to her room, rest of you stay here i want to see her on my own" They all nodded, I walked down the corridor with Calum in a comfortable silence, once we got to her room I just stood staring at the door i was scared to see her.

"She's ok man, stop worrying" I felt Calum put his hand on my shoulder, with that I walked into her room.

She looked so peaceful, what a stressful night its been for everyone we really need to sort this all out, I sat beside her and held her hand, she stirred as I ran my thumb over her fingers, her eyes flickered open and she turned to me and smiled.

"Hi" her voice was so croaky.

"Hey" I smiled back. "You're so stupid you know that?" I stroked her hair.

"I'm so sorry I thought it was what u would want" She looked away from me.

"Hey don't ever say that again, just because you hurt me doesn't mean I've stopped caring or loving you im just relieved your ok" I pulled her into a hug. We both cried.

"Am I forgiven?" She looked up at me through her watery eyes.

"I think it's abit early to tell yet we'll sort all this out once we're out of here" I sighed I kissed her forehead and held her close, I won't let anything happen to any of us again.

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