chapter twenty-three

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Lauren's POV:
I ran home crying, I slammed the door behind me and slid to the floor pulling my knees upto my chest and cried. The shock of what happened to Michael and Jess just hit me, I was shaking I couldn't believe I'd nearly lost the two most important people in my life, I'm so glad I found Jess when I did.
I'm so stressed I need a cigarette, I wiped my eyes as i stood up and went outside to sit on my porch, I lit my cigarette with shaking hands inhaling the smoke was a relief it helped me relax. Everything that's happened is all my fault, I decided to phone Calum to see how Michael was, he was the only one really speaking to me at the moment.

*phones Calum*

"Hi Lauren, what's up?" He whispered down the phone, I take it he was still at the hospital and didn't want anyone to know he was speaking to me.

"How's michael?" I asked.

"He's just gone off to sleep, he's very lucky to be alive Lauren, he's got a few cuts and bruises and a fractured arm but he's going to be ok"

I let out a sigh in relief. "Thanks Cal keep me updated please" I begged.

"I will I promise, speak to you soon" And he hung up. I didn't want to tell him about Jess I didn't want to give them another reason to worry.

I ran my hand through my hair I was so pleased Michael was going to be ok, I really wanted to know how Jess was, I picked up my phone and called Luke.

*calls Luke*

"What's the matter now Lauren?" He snapped as he answered.

"Erm sorry I just wanted to know how Jess was" I mumbled back to him.

"What do you care anyway?" He scoffed.

"Come on Luke she's my best friend of course I care" I sighed shaking my head.

"You didn't care about her when u flung yourself at me tho did you?"

"Ffs Luke can you just forget about that for 2 minutes and tell me how my best friend is!" I was getting angry now I just wanted to know she was ok.

"She's fine, she's fallen asleep, happy now" He hung up.

What a dick.

I headed back inside and sat at my kitchen table, I noticed a couple of bottles of vodka on the side. I grabbed them along with a glass I set them down on the table and I just sat at stared at them, maybe I could drink myself to death no one would care if i wasn't here anymore, they all hate me.

I opened up the first bottle and poured a triple shot into the glass, I looked at it before downing it the burn in my throat actually felt good, I poured another.

"This is for screwing everything up" I said before downing it.

I poured another.

"This is for hurting Jess and Michael"

I kept on drinking and drinking I could feel myself slowly passing out. I grabbed my phone to send a couple of texts.

*to: Calum*
Hey please tell Michael I love him and tell him I'm sorry for everything ill never hurt him again tell Ash I'm sorry too and Cal I love you all goodbye xx.

I pressed send now to text Luke.

*to: Luke*
Hey I just want to apologise for what happened at your party I suppose I had a slight crush on u and got really drunk and acted on it and I shouldn't of and im sorry please tell Jess I love her and tell her how sorry I am for hurting her and you I will never do it again goodbye Luke xx

Once I pressed send I poured another drink. " I hope this what you all wanted" I downed the drink and slammed the glass onto the table as everything went black.
Calum's POV:
Ash and I were still sat in Michael's hospital room, Michael had finally fallen asleep so did Ash, I was sat scrolling through twitter when my phone vibrated indicating I had a text, I opened it up and couldn't believe what I had just read panic ran through me, I grabbed my coat and ran towards Lauren's house as quickly as I could.

I hope I'm not too late
Luke's POV:
I was laid on the bed beside Jess stroking her hair as she'd fallen asleep, I was so happy Lauren found her when she did, just as I was about to drift off my phone beeped, I grabbed it from the side table and saw as text from Lauren, I rolled my eyes as I opened it, I jumped up after reading them words.

What the hell is she playing at!

I didn't want to wake Jess and worry her I just ran out the house towards Lauren's, I barged through her door and stopped when I saw her slouched over the kitchen table.


"LAUREN!, LAUREN!" I shook her but she wasn't moving.

"What the fuck have you done"

I dialled 999 for an ambulance my hands were shaking. I can't believe all this is happening.

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