Chapter 5

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Upon opening the door after my day at the beach, I heard my mom talking in a hushed voice in the living room. I walked in to see her sitting on the phone, her back to me.

"Okay, okay, I hear you," I heard her say. "But, I really think you should stop and think about it first. Yes, I know it'll happen eventually, but surely it'll be better to hold it out as long as possible, no?"

What was she talking about? She hadn't turned around, she mustn't have heard me slam the door when I walked in.

"No, don't worry about that," she continued, as I stood in the doorway. "I've got it under control okay? Just keep their future in mind, okay? Okay, goodbye."

I quickly turned and ran to the front door before she could turn around, and after a few seconds I open it and slammed it shut again. I spent a few moments kicking my shoes off before entering the living room.

"Hey mom!" I smiled. "I'm home!" I hoped she wouldn't suspect that I was here beforehand. I feel like that phone call was private - no point in getting involved in any of her business, right?

"Hi, sweetie," my mom appeared flustered, but covered it up with a smile. "How was the beach?"

"Oh, it was great!" I replied, and went on to fill her in on all the details.

After all the swimming and fighting in the ocean, and Kieran freaking out because Cameron almost soaked his camera, we retreated back to our towels and allowed ourselves to dry in the sun. It wasn't amazing Floridan sunshine, but it wasn't that bad. And Blake's mom being an absolutely lovely lady made him fill his backpack with a mix of sandwiches and crisps for us all to share.

I noticed Kieran and Amber getting rather close, as they sat with their backs against the sea wall, Amber's head resting on Kieran's shoulder and his showed her through the photos he'd taken that day. Jennifer and I silently joked about it to ourselves, watching as Amber twiddled her hair around her finger and let out the girliest laugh possible when Kieran came across a funny photo.

Austin came to pick me up right after the sun had set and it had started to become a little colder. Cameron lent me his hoodie, which I gratefully accepted and slipped over my head. As I was climbing into Austin's car I quickly turned to Cameron and asked him if he wanted it back, but he declined. I was still wearing it as I spoke to my mom.

"Is that one of Austin's sweaters?" She asked as she turned and walked into the kitchen. I trailed behind her, pulling the sleeves of Cameron's sweater down.

"Uh, no," I felt a tiny blush creep up my neck. "It's a friend of mine's...Cameron."

"Is that a boy's name I hear?" She turned to smirk at me and I had nowhere to hide. I rolled my eyes at her and pushed it aside as though it was no big deal.

"C'mon, mom," I replied. "These are my first friends here, I'm not planning on trying to date of any them soon."

"Hmm...very well," she turned to the refrigerator. "So, what do you want for dinner?"


Halfway through dinner mom got a phone call, and as she picked up her mobile to see who was calling, her eyes widened and she mumbled something about having to take it as she shuffled out the room. When she came back in, her face held a similar expression to the one she had after the phone call when I got home from the beach: flustered but faking a smile.

"Who was that, mom?" Austin asked, a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Oh, just a, uh, old colleague from Florida asking if I was still apart of the same company over here," she replied, twirling her fork in her pasta.

"Oh right," Austin replied, not fazed by her odd actions. I, however, wanted to push on a little more with the questions.

"What company were they talking about, mom?" I asked in a curious manner, stuffing pasta in my mouth after asking. I wasn't completely oblivious, I knew what my mother's job was - but then, I never knew much detail about it. She worked at the arena downtown, where they often hold concerts for celebrity artists and such. My mom has met so many different singers and bands, it's unreal. But, I never took much of an interest growing up, so didn't know much more.

"Oh, uh," My mom looked taken aback by my question. "Just the worldwide company in which every arena staff member is apart of, I mean, those within the same job that I held, which was backstage guides for different artists. I might be doing the same thing over here, but I'm not too sure yet."

I felt that my mom's answer was rather vague, but I didn't push anymore - she'd be rather suspicious if I'd suddenly taken an interest now unlike all those other times throughout my childhood when she offered to take me backstage at her work and I declined.

We continued eating our dinner in silence. All I knew, however, was that I was intrigued into what my mom was possibly hiding. And being a nosey teenager with not much else to do, I was prepared to do some investigating.


hi friends ok so this was like a major filler but i wanted to introduce this tension topic lol what do u think her mom is hiding oooooh

~ shay is off to bed xo

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