Chapter 10

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thought my gifs could do with some colour lol bye


The stares continued throughout the week and I was beginning to feel a little nervous. By the end of Friday lunch, I felt like I was about to explode with curiosity.

"Would you say people have been, y'know, staring quite a bit lately?" I asked Cameron as we made our way out of the cafeteria. I'd honestly thought the whole 'new girl from America' act had stopped after I yelled at Josh that time.

"Um, I'm not really sure," he answered, scratching the back of his neck. I knew he was lying.

"You're lying," I stated, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Okay, well, I saw something but it seemed really stupid, like so stupid that I didn't bother showing you," he sheepishly replied. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I stared at Cameron, hoping he'd get the hint to continue talking.

"Here, look," he retrieved his phone out of his back pocket and opened up the internet app. After typing something into Google, he waited for the page to load and then turned the device towards me. "Read it."

I was staring at an article, and even after reading the headline I was a little confused. Taylor Swift look-alike or legitimate long-lost sibling? I began scrolling through the article, reading everything the author had written. This was about me. There was an article written about me. My eyes widened as I shot a look up to Cameron, who was given me a somewhat sympathetic smile.

"During the first night of Taylor's UK leg of her latest tour, more than just a few fans caught sight of one girl in particular, due to her uncanny resemblance to the ten-time Grammy award winner," I read aloud as Cameron and I arrived early outside fifth period. I raised my eyebrows to Cameron, but his expression caused me to continue reading. "Many, many fans were intrigued...I mean, wouldn't you be? Especially when we found out, following fans' reports, this girl was American AND, get this - her surname is SWIFT!"

I thought back to the night of the concert, when quite a few girls approached Austin and I, thinking - and hoping - that we were related to Taylor in some way. The amount of times I got told I looked like her...

I continued reading. "This one girl, who is said to go by the name Caitlyn, was present at the show in London on Saturday night, and many fans took to Twitter to express their thoughts on it." I read a few extracted tweets about the situation.

check out this girl!! taylor dat u? - rosycheeksswift

i legit just spoke to a t-swift lookalike i rly wish they were actually related #sistergoals - alltooswift


This felt surreal - they were all talking about me. The article went on to make up conspiracy theories about how I ended up where I am now. Why was I only just seeing this now?

I gathered that people from school had seen this article then. In all honestly, if I'd seen this article, I would've believed it. But this was unreal - this was completely and utterly bizarre and I didn't have words for it. I mean, I clearly can't be the 'long-lost sibling' of Taylor Swift - this kind of thing doesn't happen in real life, and someone as famous as Taylor Swift wouldn't get away with hiding her siblings for as long as this. Siblings. Austin was definitely my brother - I wasn't going to begin doubting that now - and so that would mean suddenly Taylor had two siblings the world didn't know about. But she doesn't have two siblings, because this article is a load of crap. I reminded myself that this was something for reads - the magazine was probably flopping and thought that incorporating some juicy story about world megastar Taylor Swift and her unknown siblings would sell. I mean, it clearly did among my year group - but I wasn't going to be convinced that easily.

"This is such rubbish," I clicked off the article, not reading anymore. I gave the phone back to Cameron. "I mean, c'mon, famous people don't just hide their siblings away for the entirety of their career - people always find out in the end. And like, hello? I've heard this so many times before - y'know having the same surname and hair as Taylor? If this was legit than someone would've already worked it out."

I was rambling, I was aware I was, but I felt uneasy. I mean, looking from the outside, it would make perfect sense - and that's what scared me. We were American - check; we had the same surname - check; we had similar physical features, my hair and my eyes somewhat looking similar to hers - check; my mom works for her and gets us free tickets and meetups to the first night of a sold-out concert - check. Suddenly, my eyes shot wide again - mom. This was beginning to scare me a little now - I mean, mom practically knows Taylor and we never heard her mention anything...she was emotional and distant at the concert...when she hugged Taylor goodbye it looked way to genuine to be some celebrity/co-worker embrace.

And that's when I internally panicked. What if it was all true? What if it had been some massive secret hidden all our lives? What would this mean? On the family, on Austin, on me? What would happen from then on? I could barely function with my class watching me, imagine if the world suddenly knew who I was-

"Cait, you alright?" I was snapped from my thoughts by Cameron placing his hand on my shoulder. I blinked a few times and confusedly looked around me...I was in the classroom, and totally unaware of how I got in there.

"What if I am?" I blinked, looking up at him. Cameron returned with a look of confusion, tilting his head to the side in a questioning way.

"What if I am related to her?" I blurted out, speaking my mind. I really wish I could filter these sorts of things - I sounded crazy, and Cameron could tell.

"Like you said, the press would've worked this out ages ago, it's probably nothing. I just thought you'd maybe like to see what everyone was talking about recently. Don't worry - people are just curious."

He gave me a smile before turning to face the front of the classroom as the teacher walked through the door - but I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities, all the lies and confusion that our family would've gone through. Our family, ha! As if I'm actually a Swift related to the Taylor Swift.

At least, I continued to tell myself that.


short n boring for what i'd expect to be a crucial chapter omg but hey i wanted to get to this part in the story lol but i think i executed it horribly lol oops

i have a spanish speaking exam on thursday, so if you dont hear from me until after then... (you probably will, procrastination is my thing)

~ shay xo

p.s. i made those twitter names up, soz if it's urs lol

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