Chapter 13

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You know that feeling of shock and curiosity, simultaneously swirling around in your thoughts? When for one moment you can't concentrate, to the next when you can't seem to think of anything but the millions of questions threatening to burst out?

You're shocked because it's so abrupt; curious because nothing fits together at this point and you feel yourself begging for answers.

You know that feeling when everything seems to fall into place? When everything finally makes sense?

People assume this feeling to be a positive one, but that's not always the case. Just because everything falls into place does not mean it's for the better...just because your understanding of something finally makes sense does not mean you're happy about it.

But, furthermore, just because you're not happy it about it does not mean you're at the other end of the spectrum. You may just be in between, floating somewhere in the middle, wondering what you really feel.

This is how I I still feel now, I guess.

This was my response when I was told the utterly confusing, unbelievable and downright embarrassing truth about past.

Utterly confusing? Well, yeah, I was confused. I thought I was appearing on a new reversal version of Punk'd where the famous people prank the innocent public. It was difficult to comprehend what I was hearing at the time, and even now my mind is swamped with even more confusing thoughts.

Unbelievable? It's self explanatory - I didn't believe a word of it. These type of things don't happen...people don't get away with stories like this. I mean, how could they? Taylor Swift. World superstar, megastar, celebrity...hiding such a secret? It just doesn't happen.

Downright embarrassing? It I embarrassed by the actual truth that came out of this situation? No, I'm not. But the fact that I flicked it to the side, ignored the signs, freaked at anyone or anything that made the suggestion of it? That's the embarrassing part...the part where I disregarded something that actually turned out the be the truth and now I look like someone who's way too self-absorbed to notice something that's so blindly obvious.

Was I lied to? Yeah, I guess. Do I understand why? Well, now I think about it, of course I do.

This is something that normal people living their normal lives would most likely be happy about. Trust me: in normal circumstances I would be the exact same. The realisation and the discovery of someone in your life that always existed but was never in front of's hard to not be overwhelmed with such a thing. It's almost like a blessing, almost as though a missing piece of you, your family, your life, is finally back in place.

But what's been uncovered before my eyes today, it's a...little bit different. It wasn't a lovey dovey reunion that was never expected but ended in hugs and happy tears. It was confusing yet sweet, demanding yet understanding, and came with a hell lot more baggage that what you expect of a normal situation.

This was my process of reactions since the moment Taylor Swift walked through my front door and into the living room.

Yes, the Taylor Swift.


chapter 13 ooh fellow swifties where u at

lol rly short chapter w/ a cliff hanger and duh y'all would've guessed the storyline from the title let alone the first chapter but hey i wanted to write this type of chapter without yet introducing t swift herself so lol see u in the next chapter

~ shay xo

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