Chapter 2

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"Goodbye guys!" My mom squealed as Austin and I got out the car. "Have a good day, make friends!"

And with that she was speeding off out of school grounds. I hope someone warns her that the speed limit in the UK is way less than Florida.

I turned to face the school building and took it all in, top to bottom, left to right. It was rather large and I felt extremely intimidated already. Friends were running up to each other after the long summer break, girls squealing and hugging, guys fist bumping and shoving. At least they all act like your average annoying teenagers.

I followed Austin up the main stairs and through the doors. We took a left and ended up outside a door labelled RECEPTION.

"Hi, we're new students and were wondering if we could have our timetables." Austin spoke up, flashing his polite smile that everyone adores.

"Americans, I see," The receptionist replied, but with a small smile. "You must be the Swift siblings, yes?"

"Yes ma'am," Austin replied. "Austin and Caitlyn Swift."

"Alright you two," She said as she handed us each a package. "In there you'll find your timetables for the year, a homework planner and locker key. If you need anything don't hesitate to come find me here. Have a great first day here at Longueville.

Whilst thinking about if I'd ever heard of a more British name for a school than Longueville, me and Austin wandered down the hallways as students began migrating to homeroom.

"Well," Austin began. "Here is your timetable."

He handed me my timetable and I studied it for a moment before concluding that English education was extremely different to that back in America. My first period block was labelled "FORM" and it only lasted half an hour, starting in 10 minutes.

"What's "form"?" I questioned.

"Oh, it's like homeroom, but "form time" is the english way of saying it." Austin repied using hand gestures.

"Well I'm stuck for where to go," I huffed, and slumped against the wall.

"Well, our lockers are no where near each other, I think the school is divided about according to year groups..." Austin squinted at his timetable and then squinted at mine.

Looking up I noticed a class labelled "History 3".

"Hey," I said, taking my timetable from Austin. "If my form room is in History 2 and that's History 3, then it should be around here somewhere, right?"

"Yeah you're probably right," Austin chuckled, ruffling my hair. "Your locker's probably around here somewhere too."

Suddenly a bell rung, and students began flooding into classrooms.

"Shit, well, I better get going finding my form room, you okay here?" Austin asked me with concern shining in his eyes, always the caring older brother.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! You go!"

And with that he turned and began walking in the other direction. I looked down at the locker key in my hand and read the tag: B12-2. After walking down one classroom I found History 2, where students were beginning to walk in. Quickly I turned and scanned the lockers out the room and found a column of four lockers with the label B12 at the top. But the "-2"?

Just then I heard a loud girl's voice approach behind me, followed by giggles which I assumed were from other girls.

"Excuse me, you're in my way," A strong English accent said behind me.

I turned to see a girl of medium height with long chocolate brown hair staring at me with piercing blue eyes. She was busy tapping away on her mobile, whilst two other girls stood behind her.

"Uh, hello?" She questioned with a bored tone. "I said, you're in my way."

"I, uh, oh, I'm sorry," I scrambled for words. "I'm new here, I'm just trying to find my locker."

The two girls standing behind the taller one began snickering.

"American, I see." The girl gave a smirk, and an uncomfortable feeling appeared in my stomach.

"I, uh, yeah," I replied but still stuttering just as much. "I'm from Florida." I ended with a slight smile.

"Oh, how sweet," She smiled a sickly sweet smile at me again, causing me to blink a few extra times.

I moved to the side, and she reached over and opened her locker. After staring in the mirror that she'd clearly attached to the inside of the door and applying a fresh coat on lip balm, she slammed it shut and began turning away.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, a little too loudly. I cleared my throat. "I mean, I'm a little lost, can you help me?"

The girl flicked her hair over her shoulder and walked back towards me.

"Of course," That smile again.

"Well, my locker tag says B12-2 and although I found B12, I'm not sure what the number two means."

"Oh, that means second locker down from the top. You see, the top locker is 1 and the bottom is 4. You're extremely lucky to have a 2. And hey! We're locker neighbours." She gave me another smile, yet this one seemed less devilish and more genuine.

"Oh great thankyou! I'm Caitlyn by the way." I felt a little more at ease - clearly my nervousness of today has had an effect on me meeting new people.

"I'm Poppy. You'll see me around."

Well, okay? And with that she flicked her hair and sauntered away, into the classroom labelled History 2.


hi hey hello, finally an update on this fanfic after like 98749254678943245 years !!

but yeah I'm getting back into writing on here again, hopefully I can be more active, but y'know, no promises being made!

I've also got a James McVey / Vamps fanfic && and Ashton Irwin / 5SOS one up on my account so y'know, check those out if you love the vamps or 5sos or cats or pizza or taylor swift or reading shitty fanfics by a 5ft 17 year old :-)

please vote and comment, it encourages me to write more ! :-)

~ shay xo


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