Chapter One - English, Math And Science

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-Mike's P.O.V-

I woke up for school in a slow fashion. I really didn't want want to go. I already had detention set up again and they were most likely going to give me a shit load of homework that I won't do. Maybe I should ditch? No, not again. Mom would kill me.

I chuckled as I put on fresh clothes and walked downstairs for breakfast. I was usually alone in the morning so I fixed up a bowl of cereal and began chowing down.

What was I getting detetntion for? I thought about it and then I started laughing at the memory.

Yesterday I was chasing Tré through the the hallways with a water gun after lunch, and as he turned a corner, I shot the vice principal right in the face! His reaction was priceless! We were both laughing our asses off as he hauled us into his office. Now we both got a week of detention.

I finished my cereal and put my dishes in the sink before getting my backpack from the living room and slinging it over my shoulder. Another day of crap school. There was a knock at the door but Billie wasted no time waiting for me to answer it.

"Hey fuckwad!" He smiled innocently and I just laughed.

"What's up asswipe?" We slapped our hands against each other's and bumped fists at the end.

"Ready for school?" He asked.

"No. I have to be in goddamn detention." Billie burst out laughing,"damn! Tré told me everything! I can't believe you squirt Mr. Curt in the face with a water gun! Where was I when this happened?!" We started walking out and I went to get my bike.

"I don't know but it was hilarious! We couldn't stop laughing! Even when he was yelling at us!" I brought my bike into my driveway and Billie was already on his.

"What about Tré?" I asked as I hopped onto mine.

"His mom's driving him. She's worried he'll get in more trouble before school starts!"

I gasped fakly."In trouble?! with us?! but we're perfect little angels!" Both of us started laughing as we peddled down the street.

"I know right? I don't know what she's so worried about!" We laughed even more.

-André's P.O.V-

I walked through the deserted hallways with my skateboard and backpack. It was a bit early for school but I was headed to room 203, my favorite class,Art.

Me and the art teacher, Mr. Lawson, are cool. He lets me come in early to work on projects and do my own thing. He has a big section of spray paint that I get to abuse so that's awesome! I'm a graffiti artist, so I need the paint.

Most people find it weird. A girl who does graffiti when most of them want to be fashion designers and models. Yuck, my creativity lies beneath any type of surface and a few cans, not with fabric and a runway. But that's them, not me.

I knocked on the side of the door to let Mr. L know I was here and I just set my shit on the table.

"Good Morning Miss Rachel." He smiled warmly at me and we bumped fists. Yeah, he's cool enough for that!

"What's up? You got some new canvas for me?" I rubbed my hands together eagerly and he nodded. "It's outside."

"whoo! Thanks Mr. L!" I ran to the back of the class and out the emergancy exit.

Out there, leaning against the wall, was a huge piece of drywall that had been treated so it could hold paint. I went back in and smiled at Mr. Lawson,"Dude, thanks so much. I... I really appreciate all this trouble you go through just so I can do what I love." He smiled widely."It's my pleasure, André and you have real talent. It would be a shame if it went ot waste. By the way, what are you doing this time?"

I walked over to the rack of spray paint and started picking colors,"I'm doing my favorite Marvel character, Wolverine." His eyes lit up like a little fanboy and I couldn't help but laugh as I got a face mask.

-Mike's P.O.V-

We got to school just in the nick of time. Me and Billie hid our bikes in the bushes and ran to the front door before Mr. Curt could close it on us.

"I see you've made it Michael, you too Billie. Oh, and I'm hosting detention today too." Mr. Curt smiled almost a little to happy.

This guy is on my case 24/7. I bet he dreams of ways to piss me off."Alright Curt, see you there!" I gave him a smile that was sure to get him under the skin and passed him. Billie started laughing.

"He's never going to let me hear the end of it man. I'll be dead and he'll still give me shit." I said to him still slightly annoyed.

"Whatever, he's just an old fucker who's entering menopause." We both laughed. Billie always knew a way to brighten up to mood.

We splited up to go to our lockers and I was about to go to first period when I was stopped... oh my god why...

"Hey Mikey!" Allison McFisher. She's been crushing on me to the point where it's creepy as fuck, but no matter what, she won't leave me alone!

"Oh hey Allison..." I said trying to get at the fact that I want her to leave. She giggled obnoxiously.

"So, uh, I was wondering, if you would teach me bass. It's just so hot, y'know?" She flipped her hair and bit her lip. Just kill me now, please.

"No. I'm not teaching you bass. Now I gotta go to class." I tired walking past her but she kept blocking my path.

"Allison, move. I have to go." I looked at her seriously and she gave me puppy eyes. OH MY GOD WHY?!

"But Mikey-Poo..." She pouted and whined.

"Okay, my name is Mike or Micheal, not 'Mikey' or 'Mikey-Poo' or anything else you call me. Now I have to get to class.'

"You always play hard to get, Mikey. I like it." She smiled and I just walked past her.

I swear, I can't deal with her. At first I thought she was cute and I actually thought about going out with her, but now, no. She's creepy.

Once I 'lost' my pick and the next day, I saw it laced around her neck by a chain and it got worse after that. We had a gig at a restaurant and she was there... wearing an 'I Love Mike' t-shirt. She still wears it around school!

"Hey Mike, ready for detention later?" Tré patted my shoulder, smiling and Billie joined him.

"No... That means no practice until 5." I was annoyed by Allison and they could sense it.

"Was is McFisher again?!" Billie exploded, he didn't like her just as much as I did,"She needs to lay off! Even she's starting to creep me out!"

"I know... Tell me about it and now she wants me to teach her bass!" Tré chuckled,"She's hot though, not gonna lie. I just prefer my girls to not be the creep-stalker-you'll-have-my-babies-whether-you-like-it-or-not type." Billie rolled his eyes,"Anything's better than her! Even..." He scanned the hallway and smiled pervertedly,"Her.. That hottie with the shorts." Billie pointed to a girl at her locker with dark hair and curves that could kill. Tré nodded approvingly,"Damn right! What do you think Mike?" I checked her out,"Hell yeah!"

Billie laughed,"Alright lover boy!" He grabbed our shoulder's and pulled Tré and I into first period.

I'm a Mess and You're a Work of ArtWhere stories live. Discover now