Chapter Ten - May I Have This Last Dance?

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-Mike's PO.V-

"Hey guys." André smiled as she joined us fro lunch and we all greeted her.

"So you two are going as Zombies?" Billie looked at us from across the table and I nodded,"Yeah!"

"mmm-hmm." André looked at me,"Oh, bring a shirt and pants that you aren't afraid to get dirty when you come over." Tré and Billie started to laugh and I have to admit, I thought wrong too.

"Well...  I didn't know you two were to serious already!" Billie beat on the table as the laughter got louder.

"You guys are so dirty minded! It's for the costume!" André put a hand over her mouth as her cheeks got pink.

"Surrreeeee!" Billie smirked and looked at us,"We're kidding. We know you guys are just friends."

"With Benifits!" Tré added and they burst out laughing again.

"I bet you and Billie are friends with benefits!" I smirked and they looked at each other with disturbed expressions.

"Uh, how about no." Billie out his hands up and Tré moved into hug him. André and I burst out laughing.  Then the intercom came on and the school was filled with a lady's voice.

"Due to Mr. Curt's unexpected leaving, there will be no detentions fro today. I repeat there will be no detentions for today."

The whole lunchroom, including us, cheered.

"fuck yeah!" Tré fist pumped the air and we all high fived each other,"No detention and today was our last one Mike!"

"I know! How rad is that?" I lifted my arms in victory

"How lucky are you guys?" André smiled and drank form her milk carton,"Are you guys going to the dance too?" She looked at Billie and Tré.

"Yess!" Tré exclaimed,"And Ricky has a party tomorrow too! He throws the sickest parties! We should all go!"

I smiled widely,"The last time I went to a Ricky Sanchez party, I woke up in the backyard. This guy knows how to throw a party. I'll tell you that."

André laughed,"That's cool. Well, I'd love to go. Where's his house?"

"Down by the creek. No on really goes there so we don't have to worry about damn neighbors calling the cops on us." Tré burped and threw his empty milk carton into the trash.

"I'll ask my mom when I get home. Though I'm sure she'll let me."

"Oh sweet, innocent little André." Billie put a hand on hers like a father lecturing his daughter,"Get ready for this shit. We're not kidding, these are wild." She only smiled confidently,"Don't worry pops. What do I got to loose?"

-André's P.O.V-

The day went by pretty fast and my nerves were getting the better of me. Only a few more hours and the dance would start.

"So meet us here later?" I called out to Billie and Tré as they started riding away from my house.

"Yeah! Don't worry André, you're gonna love my costume. It's hot!" Billie yelled back and they both started laughing.

"So am I gonna meet your mom?" Mike and I started walking up my driveway and I put my board in the garage along with his bike.

"Yeah, she's cool though." I told him and he shrugged casually as he fallowed me into my house.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" I dropped my backpack by the stairs and Mike closed the door.

"You got a nice place." He looked around and gave me a smile as my mom found us.

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