Chapter Three - Shenanigans

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-André's P.O.V-

I opened my locker and started filling my backpack with homework and things I needed to take home. I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and started forging a note.

"Michael and Frank have tutor time with André Rachel. I would appreciate it if you allowed them to skip detention in order to study." I wrote and then I signed it as Mrs. Noble. Yes, I know this is bad but no one would find out anyways.

I shoved the pen in my pocket and grabbed my skateboard from my locker before closing it. I just hope they don't end up finding out that I faked it, otherwise my mom would ship me over to my dad's, and that's something I would not be looking forward to.

The hallways were starting to empty of people so I made my way to the detention room and knocked on the door. I opened it to find Mr. Curt sitting at the desk. Damnit.

"Ah, Miss Rachel, did you get detention today as well?"

"Nah, I have to pick up some guys though. They have tutor time with me." I walked over and handed him the note. My heart started to race as he read over it.

He looked out at the desks filled with people,"Mr. Prychard, Mr. Wright, you are excused from detention."

Mike and Tré got up with their backpacks and made it to the front trying not to act suspicious.

"Have fun studying gentlemen, and stay out of trouble." Mr. Curt gave us a creepy grin as we nodded and walked out.

"Dude! It worked!" Tré gave me a high five,"We owe you one!"

"You don't owe me anything. It's okay." I smiled at both of them,

Mike mirrored my smile,"Thanks man. You took a big risk for us."

" 'ey, it's no problem. Let's just hope we don't get caught." I looked down the hall,"C'mon, I think Billie Joe's waiting for us outside." They both agreed as we started running down the hallways and went out the school. Sure enough, Billie Joe was waiting for us at the front of the school with two bikes.

"Hey! You guys didn't get caught! Well done André!" He gave me a smile and Mike got one of the bikes.

"What am I gonna ride?" Tré asked as he looked at all of us,"I didn't bring mine."

"You can ride with Mike. His bike has pegs." I suggested as I put my skateboard down and stepped on it.

"Damn girl, what else don't we know about you?" Billie Joe asked as he watched me get on. I giggled and Mike shrugged,"I don't mind, as long as he doesn't kill me."

"I won't!" Tré reassured him,"Well... not yet at least." He laughed evilly as he stepped on the small horizontal bars that came from the middle of the bikes' back wheel.

"Do you mind if I go to my house first? I want to let my mom know where I'm headed." They all nodded.

"Sure, where do you live?" Mike asked and he started taking off with Tré on the back. Billie fallowed.

"Just fallow me," and with that, I pushed forward to my house.

"I didn't know you could ride a skateboard." Mike peddled next to me and Billie was on the other side.

"I taught myself when I was 7. It's an efficient way of traveling." I turned a corner and there was my house.

"Just give me a minute. I'll be back." I rode up the driveway and picked up my board. My mom opened the door and smiled,"welcome home, honey." Then she noticed Mike, Tré and Billie waiting in the street,"Who are they? Some friends?" I nodded,"Yeah, I'm going to tutor them. Is that fine? I'll be back later."

My mom was a bit hesitant. I mean, which mother wouldn't be when they're high school daughter was going off with three dudes?

"Alright... Be good, and be careful, okay?"

"Psh, of course. Aren't I always?"

"I sometimes wonder André." She smiled,"I'm just glad you're using your time positively."

"Thanks mom. Be back later. Love you!" I smiled and rode my skateboard down the driveway.

"I love you too!" She called out.

"You're mom seems cool." Billie circled around me quickly as we started riding away.

"Yeah she is. A little over-protective but that's okay."

"Where's you dad?" Tré asked and I smiled sadly,"He's a bit of a nutcase. My parents divorced when I was 10 and he's somewhere in Jersey."

"That sucks... Sorry."

"It's not your fault. I'm happy here anyways."

Mike looked at me softly as if he knew what I was feeling but he didn't say anything.

"André, that's my house." Billie pointed and the others rode forward as I fallowed slightly behind.

"Hey Billie Joe, If you get egged on Halloween, you know who to come after." I smirked as I got off my board and the others off their bikes.

"Okay, when you wake up underwater, you'll know who to come after too." He smiled and I punched his arm playfully.

"Come on!! I wanna play!" Tré ran to the garage and lifted the door. In there was a drum set, a guitar and a bass.

"You guys good?" I asked Mike and Billie ran over to Tré

"Yeah. We've played a few gigs. I play bass."

"Oh really? I play a little bass myself." His eyes lit up like a fireworks show on the fourth of July.

"Uh, Will you marry me?"

-Mike's P.O.V-

I was serious! It was like every moment I spend with her is blowing my mind away! She's not like any girl I've ever met. She can be good, yet be able to take risks. She's smart but not ugly. She's pretty but not a airhead! She's funny, but not a total bitch!

André laughed," You're hilarious dude! Holy shit!" I laughed too and Billie called me over.

"Hey Mike! Get your ass over here!" He slung his guitar strap over his shoulder and played a few cords. Tré was already at his drum set and was beating at his symbols.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I ran over and grabbed my bass.

"Ready? Let's try out that new song!" Billie smiled and we started attacking our instruments.

André was loving it! She nodded her head to the beat and sang along to some of the lyrics that she picked up on.

On the last few cords I looked over at her and she was cheering,"Dude! You guys rock!"

"See? Tennessee has a good taste in music too!" Tré yelled as he started running around the garage. Billie looked over at me and said quietly with a smile,"You're impressing her man!"

"I know!" I exclaimed quietly,"She knows how to play bass!!"

"Looks like you got yourself set." He looked over the other way and yelled over to Tré,"Hey! Get over here! André came for a show and we're gonna give her one!" Then he came racing back to his drums.

"Alright! Let's do this!!" Billie yelled before starting another song.

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