Chapter Twelve - You're In Ruins

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-André's P.O.V-

I woke up behind the couch with the biggest headache ever

"Goddamnit..." I attempted to sit up but my head was throbbing. What the hell did I do last night?

Some people woke up groaning and I saw Mike on the other side of the room lying next to Billie. I couldn't see Tré anywhere though.

I groaned painfully as I finally sat up against the couch. Why the fuck did I drink? I regret it now but it felt like a good idea at the time. Boy was I wrong.

This girl Janette was sitting against the wall next to me with a water bottle and pills. She looked worse than I did. Frizzy, knotted hair, smeared make-up and stained clothes.

"You look like you need this." She offered me a water bottle and pills. I took them with a small smile,"Yeah, thanks." I didn't waste anytime popping some pills in my mouth and swallowing it down with water.

"No problem dude..." Her eyes traced my neck,"You got a hickey."

My hand immediately went to my neck and she guided my hand to where it was. Sure enough, it was sore there.

"What the fuck... My mom's going to kill me.." I rubbed my forehead and looked at her,"Have you seen my black sweater?" Maybe I could cover it up like that until it heals.

"In the closet maybe. Everyone dumped their shit in there." She said motioning to it with her head.

"I hope you're not serious.." Sluggishly I got up and made my way to the closet. It was open so I dug through the crap in there. Luckily, she wasn't serious and I did find it. It was buried under a pile of cans.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked her as I slipped it on. Janette looked at a clock that was mantled against the wall,"9 o'clock."

"Fuck... I gotta start heading home.." I ran a hand through my hair and looked over at Mike snoring quietly on the floor. I walked over to him,"See you tomorrow.." With a weak half smile I leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"If he asks, tell him I went home." I looked over at Janette and she nodded slowly,"Alright André."

"Thanks. See you at school." She smiled as I slowly made my way outside.

The sun hurt my eyes but I kept my vision to the ground as I grabbed my skateboard and started walking.

I don't remember much of last night but I remember someone giving me a drink. I remember dancing with Mike and others at the party... Drunk memories.

But what I remember the most is something I don't think I'll ever forget. Seven minutes in heaven and damn did it live up to its name.

I've never done anything like that with anybody. We were in a closet, kissing, touching, tugging, holding... savoring. I'm pretty sure it was afterwards when Mike gave me the hickey. What the hell is my mom going to do if she see's it? How will I explain this to her?

"One more screw up André and you're going over to your dad." Is what she said to me when I came home from my last detention. The school isn't the only thing fed up with me behavior, mom is too, and I just broke every rule she has ever put on me last night. Drinking, staying up late and god knows what else I did.

If I did get caught, there's nothing I can really do about it. All I can do is pack my stuff and head over to New Jersey with my dad.

I got to the sidewalks area and started riding on my skateboard slowly home. I was praying that my mom wasn't there yet. My head still hurt but not as much as it did.

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