Chapter Nine - I'm Sick of You

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<<The Next Day>>

I walked to the Art Room and got my stuff together to work on Wolverine. If I continued at the same pace as yesterday I could get him finished (or very close too) today. Then I could start on something else.

After talking to Mr. Lawson for a few minutes, I walked out to my canvas and it was like an unexpected punch in the face.

"Holy shit..." I put down all the spray paint cans and looked at it.

It was splattered entirely with different color paints.

My project...

Angry? I've rewritten that definition.

I ran back inside and Mr. L looked up from his desk,"Is something wrong?"

"Hell yeah someting's wrong! My graffiti is ruined!"  I said rather loudly and he got up to try to calm me down.

"Nobody has been in here since I left yesterday after school." He tried to persuade me.

"Really?" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside. His expression fell to one of utter shock,"Well who the hell could've done this?!"

I didn't even take me a second to think of a  name.

-Mike's P.O.V-

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Billie exploded in the hallways as I told him and Tré about what happened with  Allison.

"That bitch is crazy! Mike you need to get a restraining order!" Tré suggested. He was being the most serious I have ever seen him.

"You think I don't know that?!" I paused and rubbed my forehead,"I was about to kiss André..."

"Well, I'm surprised André didn't kill her!" Billie said, running a hand through his hair.

"I know I would've!" Tré rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets.

I was so close yesterday! We were literally half an inch! Half a motherfucking inch and I would have kissed her!

"Hey Mike!" Ricky Sanchez ran to me with an urgent look in his eyes.

"What's up?" I asked confused.

"Your girl tried to kill Allison!"

"My girl? Who the hell are you talking about?"

"André or whatever her name is! They just got hauled into Travis' office!"

"Dang!" Billie looked at him,"Cat fight and I wasn't there?! I want to see André kicked Allison's ass!"

Tré mimicked a cat's hiss,"Someone was going to do it eventually!"

"Hey, I gotta go." I said quickly and I ran to the principal's office.

When I got there, I saw Allison arguing with Mr. Travis while André was sitting next to her through the window in the door. She saw me and didn't even smile. I waved sadly and took a seat right outside his office. I didn't care if I missed first period; I was staying.

After 40 minutes, Allison walked out all pissed off and didn't even notice me. Heh, she didn't look like she got into a fight. Then André came out untouched too.

"Hey..." I stood up and looked at her. She just crossed her arms and looked away, an angry gleam still in her eyes.

"André, what happened/"

"Your little fan ruined my Wolverine!" She finally muttered.

"Are you serious?!" I said trying to keep my cool for her sake.

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