Chapter Seventeen - Restless Heart Syndrome

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<<The Next Day>>

-Mike's P.O.V-

I was in my house just randomly playing my bass when Billie and Tré randomly barged in. Yepp, these two didn't need an invitation to come over. Never had, and never will

"Mike!" They both yelled and I looked up at them a bit confused. They seemed so happy, not to mention they yelled my name at the same time.

"What?" I asked. Huge Smiles were on both of their faces and their eyes were full of excitement. Both of them were basically bouncing off the walls.

"We got a big gig man! We just got it booked!" Billie exclaimed and I took off my bass to join them in the excitement. We haven't had a big gig in quite a while so hearing this was a really good thing.

"That's rad! When and where?"

Tré went through his pockets frantically and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. He held it out to me so I could see what was written on it. My eyes widened.

"Dude, that's tonight!" I half yelled, already feeling overwhelmed. 

"C'mon dude! It's a huge party down town! We could get a lot for this!" Billie said, still smiling.

'We heard it's like a big punk fest!" Tré added,"This is like the most funniest  thing that's happened in Oakland since the Gold Rush!" He was right. To go somewhere where people share an interest in music as you is always great. Not many people are very fawned of punk here, so to see people band together in the name of punk, I mean, why the fuck would we miss it?

The two looked at me, waiting for my response.

I smiled,"We better get driving if we're going to make it on time."

"WOOOO!" They both yelled as they threw their arms into the air.

"Dude! You should ask André to go with us! She would love it! and .. you could party with her.." Billie smile pervertedly and nudged me in the ribs,"You remember what happened the last time you two were thrown into a party, right?"

That last comment was enough to get me out of the door and running towards her shop.

When I got there, I walked into see a girl with pink hair at the desk. She looked up and called me over,"Can I help you sir?" She put down her pencil and smiled at me.

"Yeah," I put my hands on the desk and looked around,"Is André in? I gotta ask her something."

"Is this about a tattoo?" The girl put her hands in her red sweater and I shook my head no,"Then Can I ask who you are?"

"Mike Dirnt. André's friend." I answered.

She smiled and nodded,"Oh I've heard of you." A second after saying that, the smile and perky voice she had dimmed,"André left early to go to the hospital. Her mother wasn't feeling well."

I was shocked. Mrs. Rachel was cool, even though she blamed me for her daughter leaving, it was sad to hear she was in the hospital.

"Oh well, I wanted to ask if she wanted to go to a party. My bands' playing at one tonight." I explained to her and she nodded understandably.

"You could give me the address to the venue. and I'll ask her if she gets back." The pink lady suggested as she passed over a scrap piece of paper and a pen to me. I scribbled the address on and handed her back to the pen. She looked at the paper and smiled wider. Something told me she was going to go instead.

"Thanks.' I managed to say and she nodded,"Yeah, no probs Have nice day."

"Yeah, you too." I walked out of the shop and ran a hand through my hair. I hope André's mom gets batter. Maybe I'll drop by tomorrow to how its been. I would make a trip to the hospital to see them right now but the gig is not the far away..

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