Chapter Two - See A Young Girl So Soft And Blonde

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We took a seat at the back and Mrs. Noble started her English lesson. It wasn't even 30 minutes into the class and there was already a knock at the door.

"Come in." Mrs. Noble said and a really attractive blonde came in. I've never seen her before. but I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

She had straight hair that was parted down the middle and thin rimmed glasses. She wore a nice fitting red t-shirt and black skinny jeans. What really surprised me was the bright red lipstick she wore. The girl didn't look like a slut, and most blondes at this school do.

"Andrè, what are you doing here?"

Andrè?! A girl named Andrè?!

"Got kicked out of math. Mr. Smith told me to come her and do my work." She responded. No wonder I've never seen her. She's in honor's classes but, honor kids never get in trouble. Then again, she doesn't look like an honor's kid.

Mrs. Noble rubbed her forehead,"May I speak with you in the hallway?" Andrè moved back into the hall and Mrs. Noble joined her.

"Mike, close you mouth! You'll catch flies!" Billie said in a motherly tone. Trè started laughing,"Well you saw something you liked! Who was it? the girl or Mrs. Noble?" He laughed harder.

"Ooooohhh!! Mike's got a crush on Andrè!"

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't stop a smile from playing at my lips.

-Andrè's P.O.V-

"You could do so much more if you stopped getting into trouble." Mrs. Noble sounded bothered and frankly, I didn't know why.

"My grades are always up and I don't even get into trouble that much! If I do, it's the teacher's who are always being so strict and sensitive!"

She gave me a dirty look,"Your teachers are very nice and kind. They try to help you succeed-"

"In what?" I cut her off but I didn't care,"I'm always getting kicked out fro the stupid reasons! Tell a kid to shut up, out. Tap your pencil on your desk, out. Drawn on the corner of your scan tron, out. I can't do anything! I might as well be put in a cage with a straight jacket!'

"Watch you mouth young lady, or do you want another detention?" My shoulder slumped,"Honestly I have nothing to do after school anyways."

Mrs. Noble I guess is usually a pretty calm teacher but I could see I really managed to piss her off.

"Just let me do my work." I finally said,"I won't disturb your class or anything." Her expression softened a bit and she reluctantly agreed,"Alright, but watch yourself Andrè. You're a smart girl, you just don't make the best choices." She opened the door and we both walked in. The room quiet down and I took a seat behind some guy who kept staring at me when I first walked in.

"Pstt, she's behind you." The guys a row across were snickering and the one in front of me tensed up. What is all that about? "Whatever" I thought as I started my work.

The class is boring. I actually fell sorry for the people who have to actually take this. Mrs. Noble just goes on and on and on. She doesn't even give them chances to keep up. It's just in through one ear and out the other.

"Hey." The guy next to me who I recognized but couldn't quite remember his name whispered to me. What was it? Francis? Francisco?

"Are you from Tennessee?" He started laughing quietly and so did the guy in front of him. I rolled my eyes and got back to my work. That didn't stop him from going on though.

" 'cause baby, you're the only ten I see." They both tried not to laugh loudly as they waited for my reaction.

"Hey." I whispered back to him,"Are you from Alaska?"

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