Feburary 19, 2016 - 14:20 •I'm Afraid When I Shouldn't Be•

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Hello Internet,
I want to be single again. I can't take this anymore. He's overbearing, clingy, possessive (he literally said to me "you belong to me" not even an hour ago), he is constantly grabbing me by force. I think he's using drugs again. I hate this and I can't do this. I want this to be over, but I can't bring myself to break it off. He's fallen so hard so fast and I can't bare to hurt him. He's so sweet and he's been through too much. But I'm miserable. There's some moments where my psych gets the best of me and I have thoughts that he could physically hurt me and I've never had thoughts about partners like that before. I keep telling myself and my friends "yeah I'm gonna break up with him" but it never happens when I have the opportunity. And I really just want to break down but it would be dumb to. I just can't seem to get out of this.

Until next time...

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