Chapter 24

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Jennifer's POV

We're about half way through our meals, or Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle are, I'm not really eating mine, when three girls come up to our table. They look about a year or two or three and a bit nervous.

"Hi!" Perrie says cheerfully from beside me.

"Hi, can we have a picture?" the girl with shoulder length curly dirty blonde hair asks like she rehearsed it. She's obviously less nervous then the other two, expecially the pale girl with short ginger hair.

"Of course! All of us?" Perrie asks. They all nod. 

"Preferably seperately," the girl with curly hair says. The girl with long blone-with-brown-underneath hair in a ponytail elbows her. Perrie laughs. (Their hair on the side.)

"Sure," she says. Eleanor and I both scootch out, followed by Perrie and Danielle.

"What are your names?" Eleanor asks.

"Jessica," the one with curly hair says. 

"Emily," says the girl with the ponytail.

"Rachel," the ginger girl says. I like her hair.

"How old are you?" Danielle asks.

"Thirteen, all of us," Emily says.

Jessica takes a picture with Eleanor first, Emily takes a picture with Perrie first, and Rachel takes a picture with me. What? I'm sure I look confused because she laughs.

She takes the picture and then moves her phone. I see the case. It's a pinkish colour and it says Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together -Marilyn Monroe. 

"I like your case," I tell her. She blushes. Wow, I think she blushes easier than me. Well, to be fair she is pretty pale.

"Thanks," she says sincerely before moving to get a picture with Perrie while Jessica gets a picture with Danielle and Emily gets a picture with me.

She has a cool phone case, too. It's white with a directioner infinity sign. She asks me to sign it with a Sharpie. I can see that Perrie already has.

"Are you sure?" I ask. She laughs.

"Of course!" I shrug and take the pen, signing the white case. She moves onto Eleanor, getting her signature, too.

Rachel gets a picture with Danielle, then Eleanor. Emily gets a picture with Danielle, then Eleanor. Jessica gets a picture with Perrie, then me. 

I like her phone case as well. It's hot pink nail polish. (Phone cases on the side.) 

We all go around for hugs after they all have pictures. I hug Jessica, then Emily, then Rachel.

"Eat your food," she whispers in my ear as she hugs me. My eyes widen and I look kind of shocked.

"I'll eat if you eat. Takes one to know one," she adds before pulling away. My eyes narrow a bit. I'm not letting her not eat.

They walk back to their table and sit down, Rachel watching me. I sit down after Perrie and start eating my food. 

I finish most of it and see that Rachel has done the same with hers. I feel like I'm going to puke and I can tell Rachel does, too.

"You ready to go?" Eleanor asks, tearing me away from thinking about Rachel and regretting the food. I nod and Eleanor and I get up so that Danielle and Perrie can, too.

We walk up to the front so that we can pay and we pass the table that the girls are sitting at. I give Rachel a small smile that she returns as we pass.

Eleanor pays and we walk back to Danielle's car. We get in the same seats as before and Eleanor starts talking.

"So we're going to meet the boys at the airport thing. It's like private and really small, but yeah. And then I think we're just going back to where we live because we don't all live in the same place," Eleanor says.

This time when she turns on the radio Teenage Dream by Katy Perry is playing. I like this song. I say that about over 90% of songs, though.


We all get out of the car at the airport thing. It's just like a regular airport, only miniature. I think it's for like private jets and stuff.

Danielle and Perrie are clearly super excited. Like SUPER excited. 

As we walk through the airport they keep speeding up until we're basically running. I think I might puke from eating that much food and then running.

We get to where they'll come out and Danielle keeps checking the time.

We finally see them. They're all walking towards us and all carrying bags. When they get closer, about thirty meters (98.4252 feet, about a third of an American football field), we can see that Harry's on the phone and they're all looking for us.

Louis sees Eleanor and smiles at her. She laughs and he drops his bags and runs at her like they do in romantic movies. That's not cheesey at all. They fist bump.

Zayn didn't drop his luggage. Well, he did when Perrie screamed his name and basically tacked him. 

"Perrie!" he exclaims, obiously a bit surprised by the fact that she jumped on him.

"Liam!" Danielle shouts. You can tell she's just doing it to be funny because Perrie and Eleanor did it.

"Dani!" he copies her, laughing. They hug, too. And then they keep hugging for like forever.

Harry's still on the phone so that leaves me and Niall. I give him a look and hold my arms open.

"Niall!" I yell. He laughs and open his arms.

"Jen!" he shouts back before we run at each other. Harry, Zayn, and Perrie are laughing at us. It is pretty funny.

I hug Niall. I like his hugs. I'm as close to him as I am to everyone else here, maybe even more so because he knows that I at least sort of play the guitar.

After everyone finishes snogging, and getting all their stuff, we leave. Some of the boys' cars are here.

Harry and Louis ride in Louis' car, I think they're going to her place, Perrie and Zayn go in Zayn's car, Danielle and Liam go in Danielle's car, and Niall goes in his car. I ride with Eleanor in Harry's car.

A/N: Sorry about the SUPER short chapter. I have no idea what to write because I want to make it fast forward a bit and I don't want to do that in the middle of a chapter this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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