Chapter 15

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Jennifer's POV

Two weeks later, Saturday 5:20am

I wait for my legs to stop bleeding, tears streamin down my face. It's August 24. One of the worst days of my life. I wipe of my legs and flush the toilet paper down the toilet before bandaging my legs and leaving the bathroom.

I pull out my phone and diall Zach's number. 

"Hello?" he asks groggily.

"Are you awake?" I sob. 

"Yeah, I guess. What's wrong?" he asks, suddenly worried. 

"Can I come over?" I sob. I'm sobbing, if you haven't realised. 

"Right now?" He seems a bit belwildered.

"Yes," I say quietly, mananging to get my sobbing under control for a minute.

 "Okay, sure. My mom's already left for work and my sister's at a friend's like usual. I'll be over in like fifteen minutes or less," he says. 

"Okay," I say before I hang up. I look down at my basketball shorts and t-shirt before I grab my bag and toss my black leggings and a British flag t-shirt into it along with some underwear and an actual bra, like not a sports bra like I'm wearing. 

I put in a pair of socks, my makeup, a hairbrush and my mask before I grab my laptop, laptop bag, my phone, and a charger, shove my feet into my combat boots, and walk quietly down the stairs. 

I get to the main room and there's no one there, probably because it's 5:30 in the morning and I walk out the door, locking it back behind me.

I sit down in front and wait until Zach pulls up less than ten minutes later. He's wearing red boxers and a black t-shirt and looks like he just got out of bed, which he probably did. I don't look much better.

I get in and he looks at me worriedly before starting the car. We stop at Starbucks and then go to his house.


I start the video and adjust my mask, making sure Zach's is good, too. 

"Hi, lovelies. So it's about six in the morning and I'm having a shitty day already so Zach was nice and let me come over here and now we're making a video." I take a deep breath before continuing.

"As some of you may know it's the six year anniversary of my sister's death. A lot of you have been asking how she died, and I'm finally going to tell you. Z doesn't know either, so..." I trail off. I take one more deep breath before starting the story.

"I used to have a sister who was four years older than me. When I was five and Jessica was nine my mum died. For about half a year my dad was always drunk and would hit us some, but he came to his senses and stopped." I can see Zach looking at me out of the corner of my eye.

"When Jessica was ten she was sent to live with our uncle, dad's brother, so that she could go to this good school. Three years later we were going to go pick her up, but I got sick. So we decided to wait and surprise her on her thriteenth birthday. We got there and-" I stop myself and take a deep breath. I'm going to start crying soon.

"We got there and she was lying on the floor. She had a huge gash in her stomach and kneck and she was dying. She told us she loved us and she told me to keep singing and then she died. And it's all my fault because I was sick and-" I stop when Zach's arms wrap around me. I'm full on bawling now.

"My uncle killed her. He was-" I start to choke on tears. He ran from the police and they ended up shooting him and he died in the hospital. We're singing Little Lady by Ed Sheeran and Mikill Pane because it's kind of perfect. Ignore it if I start sobbing," I say once I've gotten my crying under control. I haven't stopped, but I can takl now.

Zach starts singing, well rapping, but whatever. 


The song ends and Zach says goodbye and stops the video while I just cry.

The next morning (still at Zach's house)

Hey, can you hang out today? -Jen I send to Justin. A second later I get a relpy. 

Sorry. I can't. I have to help my mum with something. :( -Justin xx My face falls a bit. Maybe Zach will go into town with me.

That's cool. I saw you two days ago, so... -Jen I send before getting up from the chair in Zach's room and walking into the kitchen. Zach's sitting there, eating cereal. 

"Hey, Zach. Do you want to go walk around town with me today?" I ask him hopefully. I don't think that sitting around is the best idea for me today. 

"Okay," he shrugs. "Just let me finish my cereal," he says as he takes another bite. I go to get my stuff and put on my shoes.


I pull my hair up into a ponytail as I climb out of Zach's car.

"Let's go," he says. I nod and walk beside him down the pavement. 

We go into a few random shops, not really buying anything. We've been out for about an hour when I see a familiar motercycle. It's Justin's. Yeah, he has a motercycle. I rode on it to our sencond and third dates.

He said he was helping his mum. I turn around to look for him and see him. He's holding hands with a pretty girl with dark hair. What the hell?

He doesn't see me, as he's looking at her. They're walking towards his bike so I grab Zach's hand and pull him into the shop he's parked in front of.

He gives me a weird look and I point at Justin and mystery girl. He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to her. She opens it and pulls out a necklace. She smiles at him and he offers to put it on, I'm guessing.

He reaches around her neck and hooks the necklace together. While he's leaned in she kisses him. And he kisses her back. I want to start crying, but that won't do anything.

So instead, I pull out my phone and take a picture. They finally stop snogging and he takes her hand and they keep walking. I turn to Zach and he looks shocked, pissed, and a bit worried, probably that I'm going to start crying. I want to, but I'm not going to.

"We're going to the library," I tell him. It's jus down the street so we get there quickly. I look around for someone I can borrow a cable from. 

I find someone and hook my phone up to a computer, uploading the picture and printing it out. I return the cable and Zach and I leave.

We get back to the shop and Justin's motercycle is still parked out front. I motion for Zach to wait and I pull out the thumb tack and the picture that I "borrowed" from the library. It's just a thumb tack, they won't miss it.

Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats starts playing through my head and I take the thumb tack anf carve Jen into the seat of his bike. I pin the picture to the leather seat and start towards Zach's car with Zach following behind me.

I climb inside and Zach looks at me before he starts the car. I haven't said one thing to him since I pulled him into the shop. I don't trust my voice right now.

He's taking me back to Louis and Harry's place. About half way there I finally say something.

"He was a terrible choice for my first kiss," I say, my voice almost breaking, but not. Zach smiles a bit.

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