Wedding bells and confrontations| chapter three

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(Elina's and Stephanie's bridesmaid dresses, Stephanie is on the right and Elina is on the left)


One minute I'm sleeping and the next I have a dog whimpering in my ear. I peek an eye open to Ryder at my side of the bed, probably needing to use the washroom. I look over at Stephanie to see her still sound asleep. Ryder panted some more, I got up and threw a shirt on rubbing my eyes. The clock said that it was 5:09 on a Friday morning. Ryder practically ran out the bedroom door and proceeded towards Sean room. I stopped for a brief second and started to jog towards the room.

Sean was spread out against his bed and Ryder was crying in his ear. Moving swiftly around his toys, I finally reached Sean. I picked Sean up putting a finger to his neck.

There was still a heartbeat but seemed like a weaker one. Grabbing the medicine bag from his drawer, I pulled out the epipen. I jammed it in his thigh. I never hugged him so tight, as his breathing came back to normal and ended with a cry.

"Shhh. It's alright Sean. You're gonna be alright." I pulled him in as he wrapped his arms around my collarbone area. Ryder laid at our feet, as we both sat enjoying the peace after the storm. I heard a door close and then shuffling around. A few minutes later Stepahnie appeared rubbing her head. She was very tired.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked softly.
"Seeing why he was crying." She smiled Leaning against the door frame.
"Is he ok?" She asked. I looked up and nodded.  "Doesn't look like it. What's with the epipen?" She asked walking towards the table beside me.
"Jon? You didn't tell me how he was doing." She grew concerned. "I know I should of. I was going to today but then this happened." I said gesturing towards Sean. She nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Come back to bed soon." She said leaning down and kissing me softly in the lips. She kissed Sean on the head and walked out. Ryder fell asleep at tour feet, as Sean and I did.


Sean woke me up by squirming in my arms. I stood up bringing him downstairs, not caring what the time was. I was starving. Stephanie greeted me with pancakes and Sean some Cheerios.

"Good morning. How was your sleep?" She asked smirking sipping some orange juice. I put Sean in his seat, and I sat down at the island across from Stephanie.
"Oh. It was terrific." I said sarcastically stretching my back. She laughed.
"Well, thought I would remind you. That tonight is Andrew and chaunettes wedding." She smiled at me. My eyes bulged. "Tonight?!" I asked. "Yes Jonathan. Andrew still thinks you remember." She laughed. I stood up grabbing a cup for some orange juice. I poured while Stephanie  was about to say something. She turned towards me, drink still in hand.
"How come you forgot?" She peered up at me sipping.
"Well, how could anything be more important than spending time with you." I smirked putting a arm around her waist.
"Oh. Is that right?" She laughed as I dipped her back a bit. I took her cup and set it down after I set mine down.
"Yes. And then I thought hmm, I wonder what I could be doing on a Friday night with my wife." I cocked an eyebrow. She put a hand to my chest.
"Maybe I can help ya." She replied. She put her hands in my hair and massaged my head. I closed my eyes mesmerized.
"Hey captain, forget about me? You're gonna drop me." Stephanie grabbed my attention.
"I could never let you fall. I have great reflexes." I smirked bringing her back up. "Well, how about a morning kiss for my wonderful wife?" I asked. "I think she would absolutely love it." She smiled. I stared into her hazel eyes before I brought my mouth to hers. She put a hand in my neck and deepened the kiss. My hands rested on her waist as we parted.
"Mm." She smiled closing her eyes. I looked over at Sean who was having lots of fun teasing Ryder. Stephanie looked back and smiled. "That's our boy." I smiled. "No. That's your boy. What have you been teaching him these past couple of months." She laughed walking towards them and taking Ryder outside. "Me?" I asked putting on hand in my chest shocked.
"Yes you." She pointed at me. "Whatever you say." I smiled sipping my orange juice and walking up stairs. She crossed her eyes pretending to be mad.

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