Forgivness & confusion in the New Orleans| chapter five

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"Hey Charles can I talk to you for a second?" I asked Charles and he nodded. I turned around and led him into my trailer that I shared with phoebe. Thank goodness she was not here, she was filming at the moment.

"What'd you want to talk to me about?" He asked sitting in a chair. "Well as you can see, our scenes have been off. They've been terrible to say the least." I confessed crossing my arms.

He turned his head towards some photos I had set up. One of Jonathan and I. Then Sean, Isabella with Jon. "Is that?.. Is that Isbabella?" He asked. "Yes. Why does it matter? We have other things to talk about." I warned him.

"Okay. I know. But it's not my fault." He confessed. "Not your fault? You almost tore my marriage apart! You turned Jonathan against not only you, but me." I said getting closer.

"Just please say you're sorry. And we can be done with this." I turned around holding back tears.

"I'm sorry, Steph. I really am. I know I shouldn't have done it. It was a dick move, and I was a bigger dick spreading things about you. That's not what a friend is." I heard him stand up. I turned around. "Listen. Whatever I caused between you two, I'm sorry. I truly am. It was wrong of me to do those things." I added.

"If I can have you're forgiveness, for the sake of this show as well as our relationship. It would be amazing." He smiled.
I cracked a smile.

"Charles. You are forgiven. I believe you. But Jonathan will take some time to break." I laughed. He nodded. "You seem to always forgive me so quickly,why?" He asked confused. "You have known me since I was 19, and that's almost five years. I think I'm obligated to." I laughed. He did as well. "This is your last, got it?" I gave him a grin and he nodded.

"Well, I should be getting back out there. But you have someone to see." He smiled stepping out of the trailer.

Who did I have to see?

I hopped out and turned to my right.

"Nathaniel!" I said smiling. He smiled a grin and we hugged. "It's been too long." I laughed. "I could say the same for you, Stephanie." His Australian accent making me laugh. "What's so funny?" He said confused.
"I'm sorry. I can never understand you have the time." I replied. "I can say the same for you too, Toews." He retreated back wards towards the trailer he shared with Daniel Gillies. Daniel waved towards me as he went to give Nathaniel a man hug.

"Phoebe come here!" I said. She jogged towards me.
"How long for lunch break?" I asked. "About an hour and a half." She replied. I nodded and took out my phone.

"If anyone is looking for me. Call me." I told her and she nodded  heading towards Nathaniel.

I made my way around everyone until I got towards the actual streets of New Orleans.

I made my way towards a little cafe, I come to once in awhile and pull out my phone after I ordered a vanilla cappuccino.

"Hey babe." Jonathan said as I called. I heard some jumping and laughing and something fell. "Hey. What's going on in my house?" I laughed sipping my drink.

"Uhh..." Jonathan trailed off. "Jonathan. If you can't tell me. I'll ask Isabella myself." I laughed leaning back in my chair. "Okay, uh. Don't be mad." He pleaded. "Now I'm gonna be mad." I said giving a sigh. Rubbing my hand over my face, as this day seemed to never end.

"Well right now Isabella and I." He got cut off by Isabella. "It's Bella!" She screamed. He laughed. "Bella, and I are experimenting with pottery and painting things and well what you heard-" I cut him off. "Please don't tell me it's on the granite, mister." I warned. "It's not. It's in the floor, we're all good." He replied.

"Good. Granite doesn't mix well with paint or other chemicals." I rolled my eyes sipping the cappuccino.
He laughed as well as Bella did.
"You guys are kids, you know that?" I let out a little laugh as well.
"We're not kids!" I heard a feminine voice, as it turned out to be Bella.
"Okay. Kids would so say that." I said and she groaned. "Don't be a pouter." I heard Jonathan say.
"Come on let's finish this for mommy." He said. "Me?" I asked confused. "Yes and Nana Toews." Jonathan replied.
"Oh lord, make sure it's good Bella." I teased. "Aw, come on!" Jonathan protested as Bella laughed.

"Is someone being a baby?" I asked. "Ya,is someone being a baby?" Bella mimicked.
"That's it." I heard Jonathan say. Then some screaming and laughs.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna have to call you back. I have a monkey to deal with." And with that the line went dead. It left me to wonder what he was going to do, I knew it wasn't bad or anything. I just wanted to see the look on her face.

Finishing my cappuccino and paying the bill, I got up and headed back towards set.

"Hey guys." I said walking into the lounge area that had air conditioning and sat on my chair marked "Stephanie Toews"

Everyone replied with heys. We were all pretty lazy and tired after nine hours of working, and still dreaded the fact or more hours to come.

My phone started to ring and I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Stephanie Toews. I don't really like the sound of that." That evil person said into the phone. My face turned to a scowl and I got up and walked out.
"What do you want Lindsey?" I said crossing an arm.

"Come on, you know. Everyone knows." I heard some laughing.
"Lindsey you can't win. I've already won." I replied.
"So you say." And the line went dead. I hanged up and texted Jonathan.

"Guess who just called me." He read and replied instantly.
"You know I'm really bad at guessing..🤔" he replied.
"Lindsey." I sighed locking my phone. I headed back into the lounge and sat back down. My phone buzzed with a text.
"What'd she say?" I read it and hit the reply part.
"Saying how she still wants you, and that even though I won. I haven't I guess." I pressed sent and heard my name being called.

Standing up I walked towards my dressing room and smiled to my wardrobe stylist. Her name is Sharon.

"Hi,Steph." She smiled putting some clothes in front of me. "What would they ever do without you." I laughed looking at my phone.

"She will pay." Was all Jonathan texted. I didn't even bother to reply.

There was no way of her to pay, if I had already won her most prized possession.


Hope y'all liked☺️ the next chapter is gonna be real and DEEP

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