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I laid on the bunk bed, staring at the bottom of the top bunk. Xander has been in holding for an entire week already and he was getting lonely. It was going back to the old days when he had no one to talk to or hug and love. Aleks didn't like it very much, but Xander would get out of the holding...and then they would get out of the high school.
A knock came at his door and he sat up, he was hesitant to open the door. There almost was never anything good on the other side while Xander was gone. He reluctantly got up and opened it a crack, smiling softly when he saw the little purple haired boy on the other side.
"Key!" he cried happily, opening the door completely.
"Mr. Tatsuya, hello." he nodded as he stepped in. "I have come to talk to you about something important."
"Oh? Y-Yes?" Aleks shut the door quietly before following Key to the bed.
"Mr. Bailey and the others argument put a set back in our plans. We do have a limited amount of time to get this show on the road." Key reminded him.
"Uhm...wh-why?" Aleks asked cautiously, not remembering this being mentioned.
"The Principal has set up a security check sometime in the next week, once they come they will discover the flaw in their security and fix it immediately, if it doesn't happen before then we will never get out." He replied and Aleks's eyes softened.
"Isn't Xander in th-there for the next two weeks?" he asked and Key nodded.
"I have worked out many ideas in my head and they have all ended with a bullet in the head. I do not know how plausible this idea is anymore. I think it'd be best just to stay here." he replied and Aleks quickly stood up.
"N-No, not possible." he stated and Key looked at him, not phased by his outburst.
"May I have an explanation?" he asked, Aleks was quiet for a moment before he nodded, sitting back down.
"All I've known my entire life are these four walls and this school. The people graduate and become teachers...the smart ones. The average and dumb ones disappear Key...the-they don't let get let out...they're just gone." he whispered. "Xander has only a year left here...a-and he is average at school...I don't want him to disappear. What if he goes somewhere I can'? I don't want to take the chance of losing him. We need to g-get out."
Key watched him before frowning, folding his arms over his chest. He sighed before adjusting his glasses, Aleks peeked up at him.
"I have a plan then, but it may not be the safest. But it's the most guaranteed way to accomplish our plan. " he replied after a moment.

-Xander's POV-

I growled as I drove my fist into the wall. They couldn't keep us in this room like we where insane asylum patients!
"Hit a little harder, I think I heard it crack." my roommate scoffed. I peeked over to him, he was a lean man with stubble and long brown hair pulled back into a tiny ponytail. His narrow eyes where silver and dull, suiting his personality very well. He rarely ever talked, only to make rude comments.
"Talk a little louder, I think I almost heard some intelligence." I remarked and he glanced over to me before rolling his eyes.
"I seriously hope they let you out early." the boy sighed.
"Speaking of getting out, how long do you have in this hell hole?" I asked as I sat down on the shitty bed across from him.
"Never, this is my room. That's why I hate it when the intruders are ugly bara boys." he replied and my eyes narrowed.
"Ugly what....wanna know what...I don't want to even know." I sighed. "And you're stuck in here forever? Are you ever going to tell me why?"
"Probably not, if I did they'd send you off." he replied.
"Send me off? Like back to school, cause if that's the case, you better tell me." I retorted and he glanced over to me with dull eyes before letting out a sigh, looking back to the ceiling.
"I'm not telling you." he sighed. "Don't bother me about it to much. You do not want to know."

Of course I bothered him again, I bothered him the entire time for the entire week after that. And I had two more left to go.
"Kid, shut it." he growled.
"Tell me asshole." I retorted and he looked at me, finally having a bit of emotion in his eyes.
"There is no way I am ever going to tell you. You will find out for yourself when you graduate you little fucking werewolf brat." he sneered and I growled, pulling him to his feet by the collar.
"Spill it or I spill your guts." I threatened as he gripped my wrists. I was the same size as him, but had a much better build then he did.
"If I spill it they'll spill yours." he replied and I narrowed my eyes, shooting him a confused look.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, my grip loosening, he took this chance to pull away from me completely.
"I said I wasn't telling you, what do you not get about that?" he asked as he dusted off his clothes, smoothing them out.
"The part of why you're not telling me." I replied and he rolled his eyes.
"You're annoying, so you know what, I am very tempted to tell you. But I won't cause I made a news years resolution to be a better person."
"You already broke that."
He examined me before biting his cheeks, he let out a sigh before laying back down on his bunk, turning his back to me. I rolled my eyes and collapsed onto my bunk with an irritated growl. What was so bad that this kid couldn't tell me? I should probably stay out of it, but it pissed me off that he was so persistent on not telling me.

"Why can't you tell me?" I asked as I ate the usual serving of a mash of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He didn't touch a bit of his, he growled and looked over to me.
"You are the most annoying person I have ever encountered." he stated and I frowned.
"If you just stopped being a stubborn asshole and told me, it'd all be over." I reminded him.
"You don't know the half of it." he scoffed.
"That's why you tell me!" I yelped. He was quiet, clenching his teeth as he bubbled over with annoyance.
"Ok, fine, you wanna know kid?" he snapped, standing up before he marched over to me. "After you graduate from this hell hole if you're not valuable to the school anymore, you get sent to the slaughter house. It's where they take the useless monsters and they cut their stomach over before sucking out all their insides. They kill you in the worst way possible so your rid from this world. I know cause I saw it, but I'm sadly immortal, so they just keep me here. And guess what? Anyone I fucking tell gets an early fucking trip to the slaughter house! So have fun you annoying fucking brat!" he yelped and I paled, my stomach flip flopped.
"Wait...what-" I asked, but didn't get to finish, being cut off by the door opening behind me.

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