CHAPTER ONE: The Monster

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"Elizabeth Taylor, come here this instant" the head of te school called out into the hallway. I sighed and cradled my head in my hand. After a second a girl hurried into ythe room. The head mistress smiled at her and waved over to me.

"This is Xander Bailey" I cringed when she said my last name. The girl smiled shyly at me and waved. I looked away from her, I had no intention to make any friends here. Anyways, I am going to get out of here, give me a day or two.

"I want you to show him to his room Z ward" The head mistress said and the girl looked at me shocked. I growled at her and she looked away in disgust.

"Come with me" she said no making eye contact like werewolf was contagious. I sighed and stood up grabbing my bag. She walked out the door after she bowed to the, getting tired of the whole head mistress thing. I will just call her old lady, its more suitable. Well she bowed to the old lady and I followed her out. The room led into a giant hallway. Kids stood around talking and laughing. MONSTERS stood around talking and laughing. They stopped talking and looked at me. The silence was awkward amd a bit painful. Some of them smiled and I instantly shot them a death stare. Letting them know that I wasnt interested. The girl who was shwing me to my room disappeared. I looked around, I couldn't find her. I sighed and headed over to a bench that was pushed againt the wall. I sat down and set my bag down next to me after taking out my phone. Of course there was no service. I sighed, this was going to be horrible.

I decided to play a game on my phone and I guess I got sidetracked. A bell rung and a voice come over the speaker.

"Attention all students, please head to your wards. It is bed time, thank you" A voice screeched annoyingly. Everyone stared leaving the hallway and headed to their wards. I still had no clue where to go. I sighed and looked around. Why didnt they have any signs in this hell hole? Someone tapped on my shoulder, I glanced behind me to see a girl. She was small and had short curly black hair, she stared at the ground her bangs hiding half of her face.

"Uhm, where are you supposed to be?" She stammered not making eye contact. Great another person to treat me like shit.

"Why the fuck do you care?" I growled and she jumped a bit. She rubbed her hand nervously.

"I-I, uh um, you looked lost." She said then looked up at me. She had big blue eyes and she was blushing alot. She quickly looked away.

"Z ward, you know where that is?" I asked, she seemed innocent enough. I could use her to get out of here. She looked up at me amazed then gave me a smile.

"That means your, uh y-your my new roommate." She stammered. I gaped at her for a second, the smile throwing me off. Also, the fact that I was sharing a room with a girl, cute one.

"I-uh, why am I sharing a room with a girl?" I asked and she blushed amd looked at her feet. Fuck, that was cute. No way, im not falling for this girl. I shook my head and looke down at he small monster. I wonder if she was a werewolf also.

"I uh, sorry, uhm but I-I am a bo-boy" They said.

"What?" I asked confused, did I hear wrong?

"I'm male" they said. I looked at them and studied his face. I noticed the strong jaw line but that was about the only boyish feature. I laughed, which only made the boy blush harder.

"Whoops, haha. So where is our room?" I asked, He looked up at me and pointed to a gian metal door. The letter Z marked on the side. Ugh, apparently I didn't look well enough.

"But hurry, the vampires are on night watch and they get pretty aggressive." He said but didnt move. I sighed and started walking towards the door. My bag slung over my arm. The boy followed after me.

The Monster and the Wolf (yaoi BOYXBOY)(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now