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I was sleeping something people do but for me ever since I was 10 I away had bad nightmares see I live with my best friend Garra.He has away been there to help me out since my mom and dad was killed but something no human . Any way I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze I am 16 I have been Home schooled since I was Brought back from America My Godmom Tsunade my Godfather Jiraiya they set up a room with Garra he is. The Kazekage of Sunagakure. I was in the Usa but they brought me Back to Japan about a year ago. See my dad was a spy for the Kitsune Gang and mom was their Infiltrator to help Lady Meiko Kitsuni any way so they were on a mission and so how was cough and toured to death. I kinda got nosy to see want happened when I stumbled upon their bodys it's something you never want to be seeing all the blood and how it was done to them.I seen my dad was still hanging on and he said he loved me and told me to run thank Kami that Nico Lady Meiko sister found me I was frozen in place. When the words they readed on the last report said Pure Blood Vampies Clan Uchiha. So when I seep at night I see the same thing Ruby eyes Long Fangs and blood lust but what only Nico knows Is I was Bit and Marked By Sasuka and the clan has been Looking for me since. They did not know my father last name so I go By Naruto Namikaze but any way back to the dream I always running from some one or something Like I said what ever it is it is Not Human and this is why I have been but Under Garra No Sabaku Kazekage of the Village hidden Sunagakure. He has been keeping a close eye on me and now I'm being told I am going to go the my fathers home Village Konhagakure.So Tamira and some of their Ambu are taking me back there In the morning. But with the nightmares I wont be able to sleep tonight .So how about Me get a Hamberger But here the funny thing is they don't eat it cause they say it is unhelthy so I just fix some miso Ramen guess I will be going to school in Konhagkure.And they are saying I will be staying with Inoichi Yamanaka And his Daughter Ino they are a well respected clan in Konhagkure Kami help me. cause I AM bisexual this is going to be a inresting first year and a 10 grader and Under the watchfull eyes Of the Yamanaka Clan.

Word count 461

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