The Village hidden in the sand

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I woke up and I came downstairs today starts the day that I get taught Japanese by Garra. So you're awake he said I looked at him sleepy and kind of cranky. Why do you like to wake me up so earlyin the morning ? Well as you know I do have a village to run and your classes are going to be a bit earlier. And what do I have to learn this he said Naruto you are in Japan now and you need to learn to speak the language I know your mother and your father raced you in America your Father was japneese and your in Japan now I am going to teach you our tradition our language and our culture.Once you're done you will be going to your father's home Village where you will live with Inos family he opened up the book. Tamari was also there I looked at them and started looking at the books as a was going through each word the class took about 4 hours . Then Garra said now I must tend to my Village today you and Tamari will be going to the museum to learn the history of Japan and the war and you never know you may also learn something more about your parents .I spent about 7 months with him then came the day I was dreading today he said we travel to the Village hidden in the Leafs only we'll meet up with Ino Kakashi sensei Sakura Shikamaru choji and Neji they will be your escort as you travel Naruto.He looked at me and rolled his eyes please remember to use your manners you're no longer in the Americas you are in Japan with that he was off and the others were there. Then There was a guy with this weird white hair with half his face covered they called him Kakashi sensei and that redheaded dude they called Choji he was fat but I was told not to call him that because it pisses him off then some dude that looks like he had a pineapple hair call Shikamaru and some guy with purple eyes and straight hair called Neji and some girl with pink hair. Called Shakra what a crew I said to myself. Kakashi Sensei came up I presume you are Namikaze
Naruto I nodded he looked at me and said follow me. It will be a two day trip to the leaf I picked up my bag and swing it over my back as he went to the forest so Naruto the pink haired girl said how long have you been in Japan I looked at her told her 7 months she looks at me and smiles she replied for only 7 months your Japanese is quite well I nodded and said in the Mumble no thanks to Garra and Tamari ridding my butt always having to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and studying for hours just so he can run his village. she gave me a glare you know when you speak of the kazakaga you should speak with better tone and with a little more respect I looked at her and I Shrugged. Shikamaru looked at me you look like you are going to be Troublesome he spoke in low tones Kakashi sensei looked at me just like your father he said. but the Spirit like your mother I looked at him you know my father and my mother he said of course your father was my sensei and now I am yours it was getting late and I was getting hungry and they decided it was time to camp for the night so choji looked at me along with Neji when did you spoke let me guess you probably don't even know how to put up a tent I looked at him why would I know how to put up a tent on used to going to bed in the hotel. They sighed Kakashi said looks like you're going to be sleeping with me I looked at him bewildered look what do you mean I'm going to be sleeping with you he looked at me with that look as a matter of fact you have the Uchiha clan of vampires after you and you ask me that stupid question beyond anything our priority is to get you to the leafe safe and secure and untouched. I looked at him and nodded he also saidLady Miko said at all costs you were to be safe I hung my head in defeat I guess I might as well roll with the flo at least for the night. We had Ramen you know the funny thing is they don't know what french fries or hamburger was this is not my cup of tea. So we went to sleep and woke up early the next day pack everything up and started heading back towards the leaf we've been travelling for like 2 days and finally came upon the gates of the leaf and two guards that they're seeing the team returned along with what I can only explain standing there was a blonde haired girl very beautiful if you ask me and she walked up to me and asked are you use a Namikaze Naruto I nodded follow me she said. Awful small village from what I was seeing first stop was the hokages office which was a female big boobs blonde hair done in two-point Tails hanging down the side she looked at me and she smiled look up . Tsunade said Naruto I looked at her and I smiled shyly Grandma Taunade I spoke yes it is me glad you made it safe you will be living with Ino and her father and she looked at the girl. I expect you to teach him the ropes tomorrow you will start your first day of school and. In the Usa he was then 10th grade and here be the same here but harder your Sensei shall be Iruka sensei I expect you to be on your best behavior and do not embarrass your father's name if you need me I am here she hugged me and smiled now be off with you we went to Ino's house and I went to sleep. that night I lay there staring up at the ceiling this is going to be a pain in my arse having to learn to fight learn Japanese culture. And go to school and reppin my father. Last name Kami help me.

Word count 1,096

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