Uchiha Vampire Clan

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There was a long entrance as they walked into the door of the Uchiha mansion Madara had called the meeting of the Clans to talk on what was next to be planned. All who are gathered was Fugaku
Uchiha Shisui Uchiha Izuna Uchiha Itachi Uchiha Sasuke Uchiha and Madara and Obits Uchiha. Their Dojutsu Kekkie Genki was Sharingan and the Mangkyu. Madara sat on his throne with his crown all of the Uchiha knew this was the king of the plan places hand forward and waved Sasuke to him as he approached he knelt and lowered his head yes your highness he spoke and low and dark tones you called me he looks to him he says how is it going with her spine do we know where he is Naruto he spoke yes he's with the Nara Clan as we speak they are talking about taking him to the land of the waves. madara not too happy about this he looked each one within the Clans do you know when they are to set out on this journey. Itachi look up inside from my inside help they leave tonight. Madars he takes his hands and fold them and place them under his chin live is not what we want I believe it is time that we go collect my prize he spoke with the words to soke them and then venomous rolling off of his tongue . he took his tongue and rolled it across his fangs , and he looks to Sasuke and Itachi and Fugaku Uchiha he looks at them and he says I believe you three would be perfect for this little job you three shell apprehend Naruto by any means possible if we can I believe weekend tranquilize him put him to the deep sleep he looks to Sasuke and Itachi You two Shelby title to this task lean on and then he looks the last one you shall take out any guards he has Fugaku Uchiha not his head and understood and with that they went away to find their prey as a devilishly smiled all the way two the leaf.

 he took his tongue and rolled it across his fangs , and he looks to Sasuke and Itachi and Fugaku Uchiha he looks at them and he says I believe you three would be perfect for this little job you three shell apprehend Naruto by any means possible i...

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The team going after Naruto

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