Back in the leaf

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Itichi was walking to the Ambu and he seen his daughter Jin Uzumaki Namikaze Uchiha she was talking with some friends and he walked up and she seeing him and she ran straight to him saying papa papa he leans down and he picks her up and kisses her on her cheek and Ruffles her hair. And he looks at her and says and what is my beautiful Jin up to doing today she looks at him and blushes I'm just talking with my friends Papa. Itachi says oh really are they giving you any trouble no papa they're not. Mama's going to Uncle Sasuke babies, soon he looks at her with an inquisitive smile really. Do they know what Mom is having she looks at her papa and says yes she's having a girl and a boy he looked at her over it she said yeah but brother Jiro is acting kind of weird he thinks just because he's an Uchiha that you're not supposed to have emotions or feelings .He's trying to be like Uncle Sasuke. He gives her the stern look really he says and a militant voice. we're just going to have to see about that my dear girl she looks at her daddy yes we do when she looks at him and hugs are Daddy and tell him yes but Papa I get to go to the academy the Ninja Academy real soon. They say as she looks at Papa his Sharingan been activated and she activate her Sharingan. And shows him herr. looking at her with surprising hir eyes well I know you have matured quite quickly with your genjutsu . She nods Yes papa, he looks at her and he says well since it's activated I guess it is time I start teaching you how to use it proper. She gives him a great big smile and it says that would be fun I know it's going to be hard but I'm going to do it. He looks at her he nods and he sets her down him she smiles and says okay Papa and she kisses him on his cheek any cases off for a moment in her eyes and thinking it is wonderful to have children ."I just hope I can raise them right unlike the other Uchiha's". She looks up at him guess what Papa I can actually use a kekkei genkai from Mama she shows him as she rejects change from her body as Mama mother did when she was alive he looks at her and he smiled and he says well it is good that you can do that just remember with every genjutsu Ninjutsu and kekkei genkai comes great responsibility. She nods and she said yes papa they say my elements fire does that mean I'll be able to use the Uchiha fire flower genjutsu he looks at her and smiles and nods ."And he tells her" well Papa's got to go to work and do a mission and I'll be back once it's done she kisses him one more time on the cheek okay Papa he looks at her he better be a good girl when she smiles as great big bright smile I always am ain't I Papa and he agrees he said yes and with that he walks on to his mission. As she's walking she sees her brother next to the house . Jiro give her an evil look with no emotion and says in a loud voice "Where have you been" she looks at him. I was talking to my friends why she says with a smile on her face and I seen Papa" he looks at her even more Stern he's not my papa "I wish Uncle Sasuke with my father because he knows what's about to be Uchiha she looks at him and says you're not only that you Uchiha you are all so Uzumaki and a Namikaze and you know Grandpa Namikaze was the Lord forth and also known as the yellow Flash and grandma Uzumaki was a good ninja as well she was known as The Red Hot habanero and I'm proud to have their blood running in my veins besides being a damn Uchiha" she says in a cold Stern voice "and if you ever and I mean ever put down pop up again well let's just say you'll regret it I'm not only smarter than you but my Sharingan matured before yours did and I'll put you in a world of hurt "she walked up to she done with her fist up and slams him right in his nose he grabs his nose was bleeding" Like clock work Naruto comes out looks at his daughter" what did you do to your brother Jin "she lowers her head she feels bad about it then she tells him" I'm tired of him putting down Papa and Grandma Uzumaki and Grandpa Namikaze mama". He shakes his head and looks at her what do you mean my mom and dad I don't even know who they are " she looks at her mom and says" that's because that she say the Uchiha erased your memory and I've been studying and I know who your mom and dad was and your dad loveed you .It wasn't their fault that they laid a trap for them .she show her mama the paper of the study and she's been doing and he shakes her head and just as he does that his water breaks. Jin got a hold of Kakashi sensei and told him that mama's water broke and he comes and he grabs Naruto and runs him to Lady Tsunade how they take them in she looks at Jin and Jiro and tells them why don't you sit here with Kakashi Sensei and a Iruka sensei . As. They took Mama to the back and Lady Tsunade starts to deliver the babies she delivers a little girl with black hair black eyes she takes her over and weighs her she was 6 pounds 5 ounces and 15 inches long. Shortly after she was born her brother came 4 pounds 12 and 21 inches long. He had blonde hair one blue eye and one black eye and look just like Mama except for the one black eye like his father and his sister his sister was identical their father Sasuke and she named them the little girl Chieko meaning wise child and she named the little boy Masahiko meaning Prince. Jin and Jiro were sitting out with Kakashi sensei any Iruka sensei .Then Lady Tsunade comes out announces to them all that they had a little sister and a little brother Jin she was so excited and happy. But Jiro was cold and emotionless as a Iruka sensei and Kakashi sensei and Jin and Jiro walk-in to greet the new Uchiha Jin holds Masahiko and Jiro holds Chieko and shake his head but his sister was all smiles and lovey-dovey on her new little brother. Tsunade tells Kakashi sensei to send word to Itachi and let him know that the babies had been born. Kakashi Sensei got up and ran to the anbu headquarters and sends word telling Itachi to come home as soon as possible. While back at the hospital Iruka Sensei takes Naruto Jin Jiro Masahiko and Chieko home and sit with them until Itachi arrives. With a smile on his face as Naruto is laying down sleeping he picks up Masahiko and holds him unable to contain himself at how much he looks like Naruto and he glances over at Chieko knowing that she looks just like her father Sasuke .But in his mind he wonders will she be like her father? But we should be like her mother or will he be like her father or will he be like his mother but he had a feeling that the little boy would probably wind up being loving and caring with a big heart like his mother but he wasn't too sure about the little girl because she showed a lot of characteristics to her father. as Dawn breaks Itachi shows up at the house to see the babies ."he knew by reading little girl was going to be just like her father but he had a good feeling that the little boy was going to be just like his mother" He looks at Naruto as he wakes up and kisses him on his head and tell him you did a good job they are beautiful he lowers his head down to his lips and give him a deep loving kiss as Naruto tries to get up. Itachi tells him don't get up they've given me two weeks off so I will be taking care of you and the children you need to rest your body has been through hell and back he smiles at him. Naruto you know I love you I just wish stuff would of turned out like they did." Naruto looks of Itachi" you are hungry are you not have you not. he says no I haven't fed yet Naruto offers his wrist to him thought you said are you sure and he nods as Itachi bites down and drink some of the blood does he feel the warmth quenching his thirst and feeding him he took just enough to sustain him for now and he smiles and kisses Naruto once again." wiping the crimson color of blood of his lips and he tells Naruto the truth of what happened while he was with the Uchiha on the Uchiha compound" he nods his head as Itachi tells him everything I talk to you looks at him in a serious way and says in a deep voice you know Sasuke is going to come for you and the children but as long as I'm here he will not touch them you belong here in the village not at the compound you need to listen to what everyone is saying so that they are safe. Naruto Naruto nods and agrees to do as Itichi told him to I talk to sit down with the little girl and feed her then he turns around and lays her in her crib and picks up the little boy and feeds him and sat down in the chair and falls asleep with the little boy in his arms as the two older children head off to bed and go to sleep as well he talked he thinks to himself as he nods off this has been one hell of a day I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Word count 1,777

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