Uchiha vs. Uchiha

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Itachi rose hand to stop his daughter .Jin he spoke I do not want you to have the blood of your uncle up on your hands you're still innocent and wise. He looked to The Raven and said it does not matter we are at War and he is threatening to take mother my brothers and my sister away and I will do everything and anything in my power to stop him. The Raven spoke to her again and sad this is brother vs. Brother I want you to step back and watch I will show you how evil the Uchiha's actually are. Itachi walked up to Sasuke doubled his fist and slammed him in his gut he made a hammer like shape and slam him and his back then he took his left foot and slammed Sasuke in the forehead as Sasuke got up he turned around and did the Chidori in his hand trying to seriously wound his brother he put a good-sized hole in his arm but what Sasuke fell to realize was since her mother was Naruto she possessed a healing jitsu that flowed out of her hands as she touched the Ravens shoulder and arm and it was healed Sasuke double blank Texas as Itachi turned around and did his Sharingan as he put Sasuke Sasuke under it as the two brothers fought in this stand still U2 each painting punch for punch hit forehead they were almost wore out except for trick Itachi head up his sleeve he touched Sasuke head and took the butt of his sword slimming Sasuke and his forehead and knocking him out cold as they use chakra resistant rope tied his hands and his feet blindfolded him and got him and took him straight to the prison in the leaf. Then the raven and theKitsuni ambu appear before her and told her that they had Sasuke within the prison na cell where he is not allowed to use Annie Jitsu any Ninjutsu and genjutsu or his Sharingan with this she nodded and smiled and told them well done she told them both to go home to retrieve Naruto and to relax for this battle it's far from over but at least there was a small even though small part of the victory for the lease.
££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ I'm sorry it took so long for me to update these chapters but I had severe writer's block I will try to update him a little more accurately when I can I do hope you enjoy this story and remember to vote I remember let's have some fun. Kiko Uchiha Senpia

Word count 441.

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