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15 years had passed sense Sasuke attempted to kidnap naruto Itachi
And Naruto we're finally living a peaceful life Sasuke was imprisoned for trying to take over his own son's mind and his brother's daughter's mind so with that done most of it .uchaiha Clan had been slaughtered through the years for trying on numerous occasions of taking the Uchiha children Kakashi and all them did their job they had kept Naruto safe now Naruto and Itachi we're reaching their eighties their children were grown living their own life and Itachi decided to take his wife Naruto and leave the village they approached Tsunade and told her that they would be leaving the village with their children there and if they ever were needed their children would know how to contact them for their life had started out as a circle of pain and misery Elmo and up into a circle of love they had left and move deep into the forest up on the top of the mountains to where only their children would be able to find them there they finally gave each other a kiss holding each other and their arm and went to sleep with the years of not eating they petrified themself until the day comes when they shall be awakened again the end.
And with that we end this but you never know I may come back with a sequel who knows just keep your eye out thank you for all my readers I appreciate you reading my book who knows maybe we'll read. Each others books again in the future sometime love and light peace and happiness Miko Uchiha senpai

Word count 277

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