The battle

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Lady Tsunade !!!!!!!!!!! "their Attacking the leaf "Kurma called "We need every one in their positions !!!!!!!!!! As lady Tsunade ordered Kakashi to take the right flank she had you Iruka taking the left flank . Choji ran to the center of town and alerted everyone. Shikamaru took a long range position due to his skills. Sakura also took a farther back position as a medical ninja. Ino went with Shikamaru.
As they ran to a proper position Shikamaru casted his shadow possession Jutsu caught one of the Uchiha within has within his grasp .
With you know behind him placing her hand upon his shoulder she cast her mind transfer Jutsu controlling the Uchiha as the single Uchiha started to attack Sasuke catching him within his shouting Sharingan as before Sasuke's eyes befall his worst memory of the death of part of the clan when he was small fear and anger weld within him thick as at this point he was paralyzed unable to move or break the Jitsu that he was caught Within. The other she has started attacking Kakashi and iruka sensei one taking the right flank taking a big part of Kakashi with him as blood spilled upon the ground Iruka was in no better position he had three Uchiha's attacking him at the same time as iruka and Kakashi we'll put down and knocked out at this moment Jin (Kitsune )Ambu she was the youngest of her age to have your to have joined the leaf Ambu using her much matured Sharingan she cast and placed 10 Uchiha within it unable to move and paralyze them truly she was Itachi's daughter and one of the strongest as her father The Raven came up behind her with his kunai available he started attacking and taking them down one by one as she took her kunai and started clashing with the others who were fighting with their Kunai hidden switch to her sword and started slicing than one by 1 as if a knife slicing butter seeing that most of them have been taken down they went to help out Iruka and Kakashi sensei getting them to Sakura for immediate healing. Sakura and lady Tsunade cast the summoning Jutsu calling forth healing of a thousand Arts to help all they had been injured. Sasuke was finally able to break the genjutsu he was under and at this point he ran straight to attack Itachi in his eyes he was the one that took his mate from him even though at first Sasuke with someone to kidnap Naruto in the first place and place a memory wiping seal. They went to the place of the twin brothers and Itachi and Sasuke along with Jin were there staring each other down. Sasuke Sasuke spoke now it is time to take out a Trader. Itachi spoke back and said the only traitor I see is you you are evil incarnate itself and I will not and anyway she performed let you get into The Possession of Naruto what you do not understand Sasuke Itachi spoke with a Venom up on his tongue Naruto is my wife I married him and I will do everything and anything I can to protect my children and him. Sasuke Sasuke spoke with even more than the last upon his tongue only two of the children are yours the other two are mine Itachi looked at him and had this evil grin upon his lips oh so you say as far as they know they have my name on the birth certificate not yours. Jin spoke up the young female Uchiha knew exactly what she was getting into. With a lace and gentle tones she told him they are my brother and sister they are nothing to you and I will not allow you to touch him just as my father has told you between me and my father we will bring you to your knees and you will be placed within the prison here in the leaf to be transferred to the prison within the land of the wave where there is no Escape accept your death she glared at him with more malice and more evil then Sasuke had ever seen I'm only doing this to protect my mom and my brothers and my sister you will pay dearly for your blood shall paint my hands I may only be 12 but I am one of the most deadly and Ambuyou ever in your life come in contact with I am also a captain of the team shall we spare this dance and these words and let's get right down to the thick of the thing she placed her hands upon her face and activated her Sharingan Our Father did the same period Sasuke look to Itachi was about to speak his name how could you do this Itachi Jinwith a butt of her sword slams Sasuke in his nose you do not speak his name he is the Raven and I am Kitsuni Aa her hit split him open and Crimson blood flowed from his nose.

Word count 854

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