The Yamanaka Clan

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Naruto wakes up on a raining Saturday morning as Ino runs in the room and jumps on him and says get up Naruto and screams let's go to the mall and go shopping as she kisses him on the cheek he cheek and he jumps up with Ino in her arms saying omg yes as he kisses her back on the cheek then throws her on the bed as he gets dress when they get to the mall they see a spa they both look at each other and screams yes spa time they run in and tells the cashier they want everything done the cashier tells them to sit on the massage chair they run to the chairs as they sit and wait they start to talk then they look at each other and pause and start looking in each other eyes and leans in for a kiss as they are both blush lightly upon their cheeks. Naruto leans into her ear and tell her I think I'm falling in love with you. he slightly turns her head and a bashful sense her face turned very red and she smiles at him and says I think I like you too Naruto blushes the same and turns his head and kisses her lips he nipped at her bottom lip asking for entrance as she gets it he slides his tongue into her Cavern of her mouth tasting every inch of it not sure how long we were kissing as they pulled apart saliva connecting my lips to hers we took a breath. She says Naruto your lips are so soft you are such an excellent kisser he turned to her and said yeah but that was my first kiss she looks at him are you a virgin he blushes even redder yeah kinda he said in a giggle a kind of a bashful way. Naruto takes her hands and holds it intertwining their fingers as a walk down the mall hallway. she looks at him and says hey how about a clothing the clothing store I hear they've got some really cool clothes he said yeah you know I do need some new clothes I've only got two pairs of jeans and 2 shirts she looks at him and says yes I think we should how much do you have he looks at her and said meiko make sure I had enough money to get by for now. They started browsing through the clothes and she found him a pair of skinny black jeans a really nice black shirt with a v-neck with orange stripe down the side and arm got him a pair of orange shoes to top it all off with a hat she looked at him and said wow that makes you look sexy he smiled and Grand and ball 12 more pair of skinny black jeans 3 pair of white skinny jeans two pair of orange skinny jeans black shirts with the neck boys shirts with Phoenix with black stripe down the arm and a couple of dark blue shirts with a v-neck they went to the cashier and checked out and headed out for the day to head to the movies. so what movies are you interested in she asked I'm not sure he said I like action I also like romance oh I have to have comedy as well and mystery so they looked up at the movies and decided I want to see what about Fast & Furious 7 she looked at him yeah I think that would be awesome so they bought the tickets got some popcorn and sodas and when and watch it while in the middle of the movie Naruto seeks and still a kiss . she blushes after the movie was over they left and she looked at him well its about 8 o'clock we should get home before father throws a fit they agree and head home not knowing someone was watching him he felt the mark on his shoulder kind of burn and filling him with a desire he wasn't used to he grabs his shoulder then she looks at him what's wrong Naruto he looked at her I don't know my shoulder is hurting so bad as scruciating pain shows up on his face . she looks at him let's get home to father he can take care of this and they ran to her house her father looks at her and says what's wrong she looks to him it's Naruto father he's hurting his shoulder we're not sure why he looks at Naruto and wave them over to him come here Naruto does Naruto walked him he does a mind transfer and blocks part of the memory. He sent one of the messengers to Sakura's house begging her to come she picked up her bag and went right away seeing that she was needed she opened up the door and went straight to Naruto as she is explaining how he is hurting in his shoulder in soccer makes the pain go away she looks at them and say this is only temporary but it should help for a while as her hands glow green and she puts her hands upon the mark on his shoulder what is this Mark she asked no one knows she scratches her head not sure what to say do you think we should let the Hokage know and they nod as she leaves she heads to the hokages office lady Tsunade we have a problem I believe but Naruto has been imprinted on from one of the Uchiha I went to Inohichi Yamanaka house naruto was in pain from his shoulder but Inohichi -sama did a memory block to help Naruto the Lady Tsunade nodded thank you forgiving me the news Sakura was that she nodded and left and went home.

Word count 983

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