Jiro and Chieko

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Jiro pov

I had to sneak out with my little sister so father and mother and Jin wouldn't know I'm taking Chirko to go meet her father I know I shouldn't do this but Uncle Sasuke has a right to see her she is so much like me maybe uncle Sasuke will help me. I'm like him I want the power and so does my little sister but I think fathers following cuz I sensed him so I have to be very sneaky going to the alleys and stuff I know a way to get into the prison without father knowing he thinks I might not be as smart as my big sister just like what Uncle Sasuke would probably say don't underestimate Uchiha what we want we get one way or another I want to get away from father because I wish Uncle Sasuke would have been my father he knows what it's like to have all this as I approached the back alley with system alarms I found the opening unguarded by any Ambu I slept in making sure I had the craps as I made sure my Sharingan was activated. I find Uncle Sasuke cell he seems to be pretty well knocked out I remember some of the stuff that my sis big sister did so I try to release this a little bit so I can slip in there as I did he wakes up and grabs me and he looks at me as I was like all his name Uncle Sasuke it's me Jiro. I have Cheiko with me I thought you would like to bless your daughter the traditional way that the uchihas bless them he walks up to his uncle with a 5 month old baby in his arms and places her and her father's arms Sasuke looks to her kisses her on the head and bites the palm of her hand lightly as he bit the palm of his hand lightly I'm placing the blood in his daughter's mouth and his smile as he know that the power he's giving to her he looked at his nephew who is 12 and tells him come here he walked up to his uncle he could tell his uncle want to talk to him so he thought Sasuke looked and noticed that his nephew had not been blessed by his father so he grabs his nephews had brings it close to his neck as if fangs pertrued out of his mouth and bit his nephew doing a little his nephews blood into his mouth he bit his own hand placing it over his nephews mouth dropping some of the blood what's in his mouth noticing the pain his nephew and his daughter was going through he knew he would do his best to protect until the transformation was complete as his daughter woke up he seen her eyes he picks her up kisses her on her head and smiles at her and says I'm your father and you are my daughter you are an Uchiha blessed with power as he looked over the marking to get it to healbit on his daughter's hand as it's filled up he made his daughter down and he picks up his nephew and looks over his nephews neck to get the two bite marks to heal even though they may be scar marks he had a smirk he knew Itachi would see it he knew Itachi would know that he himself has claimed his son as his own his nephew wakes up and looks at his uncle why do my teeth hurt he asked his uncle looked at him and told him it will pass but as of now I claim you as my son since your father did not transfer the memory of the uchihas I have as soon as I can get out of here I will take you and my daughter with me then he looked up at his uncle's house key but Uncle Sasuke he says you also have a son but he is just like my big sister Sasuke smirked what is his name Jiro looks at him and says. Masahiko he smiles at the name I like it he Pats his nephew on the head and does a sign from this day forward Jiro I claim you as my son all sudden changes came very sudden to him as he took off his uncle Sasuke's look is Uncle Sasuke's way of thinking and his hunger for power. Now take your sister home once I get out of here I shall claim your mother as mine he looks at him and says father Itachi has him under the strictest of watches but he whispers in his uncle's here until it tells him the secret entrance to the house he smiles knowing that now that he has the memories of the Uchiha and Uncle Sasuke is now his father due to the transfer of memory as was done to his little sister he smiled and slips out of the hiding place and starts to run home with his sister but as he was running Itachi his father lands before him he activates his Sharingan and he notices the Sasuke did the memory transfer with him and his daughter he was not happy he grabbed them both and goes back with a worried look on his face as he enters the house and he lays his son and his daughter down as he does something that put them to sleep his daughter Jin walked up to him and now he looks at him he tells them I must do the memory transfer with these two it seems like 2 Sasuke cell and then memory transfer Army to protect our oldest daughter and our youngest son I must do it with them Naruto please forgive me I miss you the memory transfer him and say to Naruto and he looks at Itachi. And says do what must be done.Jin into the house and they talk she grabs her hand follow me something must be done to protect you father what he looked at his daughter and told her I wish that I would never have to do this as he had his other son in his hands bit him on his wrist drawing out a little blood Itachi bit his wrist placing some blood in his son's mouth and then grab his daughter with tears in his eyes and bit her on her neck as she whimpered and he bit his cell phone the rest as he drew some of her blood out placing some of his blood with in her mouth and do the memory transfer as of now he says Jin my daughter Masahiko my son I transfer the memories of the Uchiha as of now I am your father and none other shall touch you as his daughter falls to the ground and his son convulses and they scream with tears in his eyes he knew it must be done watching them awaken and his the memory transfer it is something I did not want to do but to protect you and my son I will great power comes with this has blessed you with but remember to always do good as his son awakens he rubs his back and kisses him and laid him in his mother's arms and kisses Naruto I will be back my little fox I need some time alone temporarily so he jumps out before after he kisses him and goes to the forest to think and to get his frustration out.

~~~~~~~ I hope you enjoyed this will post more soon as I can thank you for your continued support and votes.

Much love Kiko Uchiha Senpi
Word count 1301

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