Itachi and Naruto

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They arrived at home after Itachi and his daughter brought Naruto and the young ones back. Itachi looked at Naruto and said I want to talk to you as he drew in a deep breath he looked into his eyes I know I have some explaining to do and I think it's about time we tried to get your memory back Itachi's said. You see Naruto my family has followed you and your family for quite some time we knew that you was able to have children that is why the Uchiha's wanted you I did not want to have to put you through that pain but Madra knew all about it and he was the one that wanted to combine the Uzumaki and Uchiha bloodline two combined and a have the most powerful children. Butt they had sent me to do a mission to where I would not be able to protect you even as a vampire I did not want to see you in pain I have always cared about you your mother and your father we're great people your father was the fourth Hokage and your mother was one heck of a fighter everyone would call her the red habanero do to her hair they love you and they cared for you but when madra got you Madara and Obito did a memory erasing jitsu to make you not remember nothing. But now you do some lady Miko was right to protect you that is also why Lady Nico and Kumar we're willing to risk it all to get you back when you had my son and my daughter I was the happiest person on Earth I just wish we could have met under better circumstances that is why I married you I will protect you from him I will not let Sasuke harm you and any way shape or form I made you a promise when I took the oath to protect you with all and I will even if it means I I lose my life. I know the consequences of me walking away from the clan as far as I'm concerned you are you my clan you are my family you are the one I love. Naruto gazed into Itachi's eyes and spoke soft yet gentle and serious I love you Itachi Uchiha that is why I took the name Naruto Uchiha I am your wife I am your lover no matter what I forgive you at least you are trying to make my life better and the only thing I can do is to be a better person for you Naruto wrapped his Small Arms around his neck and gave him peppered kisses and kissed around to his cheek and then to his lips and kissed him deeply and told him no matter what you are my hero you did all this for me without even thinking about yourself and for that I am grateful he looked up at Itachi with a big smile that would melt 1000 iced over mountains. He was looking around trying to find his son where is jiro his daughter looked at him and said last time I seen him he was with baby sister Itachi's eyes grew weary that's not good I can almost guarantee he's going to take her to go see her father Sasuke I need to stop him immediately as he ran out the door slamming it jumping from building to building trying to find his son with his youngest daughter see where he had gone.
~~~~~~~~~ sorry it took so long to update but I'm trying to catch up as much as I can thank you and I appreciate your votes and anyone who is reading this much love
Kiko Uchiha Senpi

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