Kumar and Nikko come to the leaf

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At the gates of the Hidden leaf Itachi Jin Naruto Jiro Chieko and Masahiko the children the young ones now ages 4 the older children Now the ages of 12 stand waiting to meet Uncle Kumar and Aunt Nikko while Kumar was in America him and Niko got married . Kuma sees his little brother Naruto and once again an Almighty hug his crimson red hair down to the middle of his back and he looks at Naruto and Naruto introduces him to his nieces Jin and Chieko and his nephews Jiro and Masahiko he looks vand Naruto tells Kumar that he talks he is actually helping him that he talks he is actually helping and he left his clan to help them out Kumar shakes Itachi's hand and Nikko come from behind kumara in a black kimono with a fox on the back and Kumar in his black with foxs Fire on it Naruto sees her and recognizes her almost immediately in a soft and gentle voice XI Greek she greets Naruto and she looks at the for children and Naruto tells her that the older children belongs to Itachi and the younger children belongs to Sasuke kumara noticed almost immediately that the youngest boy Masahiko looks identical to Naruto except for one blue eye and one black eye and he looked at the little girl Chieko and see if he looks like Sasuke but then he looks at Jin and see if she looks just like her father but he looks at Jiro who is identical 2 him accept he had the black raven hair with a duck butt style and the black Uchiha eyes and he smiles. Jin looks at her uncle Kumar and her and Nikko with a big smile on her face and says it's so nice to finally meet my aunt and my uncle. kumara looks at Jin Ambu she smiles and nods yes I've been ambu since I was 7 Kumar smiles and looks at Itachi and says I can see she followed her father. as they walk down the streets of hidden leaf to lady tsunade's the Hokage of the leaf as Jin and Itachi are ambu the enter the hokages office lady Tsunade looks up and recognizes Kumar right off the bat and smiles will my goodness Kumar she says you have grown to be a fine young Ninja and he introduces lady Tsunade to his wife lady Neko and he speaks with Tsunade I would like to rejoin the village me and my wife both you know when I was here I was ambu I was hoping I can rejoin them and my wife could run a team if you would allow her Tsunade looks at him and says welcome back kumara and Lady Niko welcome to the Village hidden in the she has them both the hidden Leaf headband and hands Kumar his outfit for the ambu and a fox mask as of now Kumar you will be known asFox when doing missions he looked at his niece her mask was that of eolf and her father's was that of a raven and he smiles and says it's not everyday you almost windup with a brother-in-law nice and an uncle as ambu with the three masks Fox wolf and Raven. Itachi speaks with lady Tsunade and she performs a marriage ceremony with Itachi and Naruto now that he has to has Naruto as his wife he can protect him more but low on the horizon Sasuke and quite a few Uchiha clan members was heading to the leaf and bringing Hellfire with them this is not going to be good. As Kumara Itachi Jin and lady Tsunade feel the hell is about to break loose in the leaf and the outcome is not going to be very good. She calls certain Clans Yamanaka clan Nara clan Inuzuka clan Hyuga clan Senju clan Sarutobi clan Aburame clan Akimichi clan and the yotsuki clan to the Hokage office to speak with them when a ambu with a dog mask appears which is none other than Kakashi sensei and he tells lady Tsunade that a horde of Uchiha Clan is headed their way she knows now it's time to plan an act to defend the village and to protect Naruto and the children, Tsunade sends Neji choji Kiba and Ino to take Naruto and the two young children to safety and since Jiro off on the mission so he would not be in the village and she sends Jin and her father to protect the outer land of the village with five more anbu and sent fox to protect his brother and his niece and nephew with all set War is ready to start as Sasuke Obito Fugaku Izuna and Madara Uchiha arrives on the outer skirts of the Hidden leaf.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cliffhanger sorry it took so long to update butt I had a real bad case of writer's block I will try to update this a later time thank you. Miko Sama please go and tell me what you think of the story thank you for reading and sorry it's a little shorter than the others I'm preparing to write and it will be longer when Sasuke actually attacked the village.

Word count 883

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