Naruto within the Uchiha mansion

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Slowly they entered the underground entrance to the mansion with Naruto slung over Sasuke shoulder they walked into one of the prison cells and place them in there removing the chocolate changed since the prison bars and the sale was anti chakra and blocking chakra he could not use any they walked up to the main entrance and announce Sire we have Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki within the cells below. he nodded with an evil grin now Step 2 since the Mansion was hidden by jutsus to where none can find it he looked at them and told them it is time to erase Naruto memory and retrain them for us.
They made sure that the charka collor was still in place on Naruto, and they took him to a waiting room what's a bad they had straps for the hands the head and the feet they cut his shirt off As Madara walked in the room as they all activated they're Sharingan to keep Naruto sedated Madara places hands on Naruto stomach as Itachi placed his hands on his head they made a hand sign faster than anyone can see memory erase they spoke as Naruto's memory of everyone he's met the family where he was raised was wiped clean then is Naruto woke up gazed upon the sight of 7 of the most powerful Uchiha all 7 of them placing their hands upon his shoulder bit into his neck one by one taking a sample of the blood and Sasuke being the last placing the mate market on his neck of Naruto yelled and screamed in pain the mark started to form the Uchiha Clan mark upon his neck sealing mark upon his neck making it to where nobody would be able to access his memory and this Mark Naruto was walked into the main hall since it was Sasaka who placed the mark of a mate upon him they all gathered round as Fugaku Shisui Itichi Izuna Madara Obits Uchiha bit onto their wrists placing sample blood upon his lips and in his mouth and Sasuke taking it nice and slicing down his chest placing Naruto's mouth there as soft as blood dripped into Naruto's mouth Sealing the mate Mark ritual. Naruto now was mated To a Uchiha. Madara looked and he smiled isnaruto lookup he was released from his holding he looked at them not knowing where am I and who are you? Madara spoke oh you're finally awake I shall let your mate know Naruto looking at him confused not sure what he meant by my by his mate. Sasuke came I looked at him so my beautiful mate has decided to wake up he looks at Sasuke and says what do you mean your mate he said that's right did you had an accident and hit your head they said you may have some memory loss. Sasuke's all eyes were drawn to the seal all Naruto stomach seeing it was bright red and inflamed knowing he was getting ready to go into heat Sasuke new at this meth for us to have all free Powers a strong as possible I must watch him closely fine when he speak so I do my job an implant some of the Uchiha seeds he smiled easily as this went through his head he went up to tell the king soon it will be time the king look at Sasuke with a smile and says then you know what you must do to ensure future Uchiha clan members I'm with that Naruto's LED to his sasaka room and went to sleep

Word count 605

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